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I promise you, there will never be a perfect time to do anything in your life.   36   will ever feel 100% certain or make perfect sense to you and everyone else. There will   37   be a perfect time to fall in love, or to travel the world. You will never have enough training, enough preparation, or enough money. And   38   this, even when you feel ready to take a brave step into the   39  , others will likely try to   40   you out of it. Because they won’t feel ready themselves, and your ambition and bravery will   41   their levels of comfort. But you don’t   42   them an explanation, or any other personal   43   you don’t want to make. This is rather difficult to   44   at first.

Waiting to feel 100% ready or sure is the   45   way in which we cheat ourselves out of wonderful life experiences. I challenge you to   46   free yourself from this self-limiting state of mind. Book that plane ticket, even if you feel lots of   47  . Sign up for that educational course, even if you have no idea   48   it will go. Trust me when I tell you it will all come together for the   49  .

When you meet your dreams with   50  , when you meet them with mental and physical devotion, you   51   your trust in the act of LIVING. You make your dreams a   52   instead of line items on a list. And that’s good because your dreams are   53   to be experiences. You have to   54   them out in the real world to know if they’re possible and worthwhile adventures in the long run.

As you   55   on this new journey of living, remember that some people around you will naturally be taken aback. But as long as you aren’t hurting them, you don’t owe them anything that takes away your power to move forward with your life.

36. A. Something         B. Nothing               C. Anything          D. Everything

37. A. never                 B. always                C. occasionally     D. forever

38. A. despite              B. for                      C. from                 D. after

39. A. impossible         B. unknown             C. beautiful          D. true

40. A. help                   B. cheat                  C. talk                  D. get

41. A. improve             B. remove               C. increase          D. challenge

42. A. offer                  B. give                    C. allow                D. owe

43. A. excuse               B. decision              C. sacrifice           D. profits

44. A. refuse                B. grasp                  C. admit               D. confirm

45. A. hardest              B. bitterest              C. easiest             D. dullest

46. A. automatically     B. casually              C. vainly               D. consciously

47. A. uncertainty        B. comfort               C. anxiety             D. hopelessness

48. A. how                   B. when                  C. why                  D. whether

49. A. worse                B. better                 C. closer              D. deeper

50. A. difficulty             B. doubt                  C. intention          D. success

51. A. carry                  B. remove               C. experience       D. invest

52. A. reality                B. priority                C. burden             D. relief

53. A. meant                B. listed                  C. realized            D. entitled

54. A. check                B. bring                   C. work                 D. test

55. A. wander              B. rest                     C. progress          D. hesitate





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