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George and his wife have a small bar(酒吧) bar often keeps open until after midnight, because people come to drink there while they are waiting for the trains.

At two o’ clock one morning, one is still sitting at a table in the small bar. He drinks too much and is asleep. George’ s wife wants to go to bed. She goes into the bar several times, and each time the man is still there. At last she says to her husband,“You’ ve woken(叫醒) that man six times now, George, but he isn’ t drinking anything. Why don’ t you send him away? It’ s very late.”

“Oh, no, I don’ t want to send him away,”answers her husband with a smile,“you see, whenever I wake him up, he asks for his bill(賬單) I bring it to him, he pays it. Then he goes to sleep again.”


Georges’  bar is often closed after 7 o’ clock p.m.

2.A person is still sitting at a table at two in the afternoon.

is tired and is asleep.

ge’ s wife wants to go to bed.

man is woken six times and paid his bill six times.


1F  2F  3F  4T  5T

知識點:人物傳記 故事閲讀類


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