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He grew up among knights (*象棋中的馬), kings and queens. At 16, Norway’s chess genius Magnus Carlsen is pushing to become the world’s youngest world title contender (競爭者)sen, who was introduced to the game by his father Henrik when he was a little boy, became the   world’s youngest international grandmaster (大師) at 13.Now he is 17th in the World Chess Federation’s ranking of top players –a position much desired for a player his age.

“I’m going for the world championship,” says Magnus, the third youngest grandmaster in world history. But former champion Gary Kasparov and India’s Viswanathan Anand, the World Chess Federation’s current number one, already see him as a possible person who will take their position after they have left.

From a young age, Carlsen showed signs of extraordinary intelligence. “At the age of two, he already knew all the car brand names. At five, whatever he built with his toys was very unique and outstanding,” his father says.  

It is also reported that he learnt the names of every country of the world, with their flag, capital and size by heart. But his first attempts at the game were embarrassing and he was far from the “Mozart of Chess”.  

“I almost gave up,” his father remembers. But as Magnus watched his father and older sister play, he began to like the challenge.  

After playing his first tournament(決賽) at eight, his baby face became a common feature in chess circles.  

When asked what he does when not playing chess, Magnus’ answers to an interviewer’s questions come easily.  

Girls? “I haven’t done much in that field.”  

Money? “Has never been a problem.”  

Hobbies? “I love to play football, spend time with my friends and be in front of my computer as people my age do. And listen to music.”  

But then, strangely enough, math is not his thing. “I was definitely the best in my class when I was little but now I hate it,” he says.

So what’s the secret behind his success so far?  

“Before a match I will sleep a lot,” he says. “There are very often bad dreams; like that the person I am playing with cheats.”

1.Magnus began to show his talent in chess at the age of ______.

A.13                      B.16                       C.8                            D.5

2.Why is Magnus good at chess ?

A.Because he played his tournament at a very young age.

B.Because he is better at maths than others.

C.Because he had a good rest by sleeping a lot before each match.

D.Because he was born with a special ability to create and learn new things.

3.As a famous chess player, Magnus likes to do the following things except ______.

A.getting together with kids of his age     B.playing football

C.playing his computer                       D.dating girls

4.Magnus is considered to be “Mozart of Chess” because ______.

A.Magnus’ hobby of listening to music plays a part in his success

B.Magnus has the same gift for chess as Mozart has for music

C.Magnus was not quick at learning chess in the beginning

D.Magnus decided to become “Mozart” while still young





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