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The deadliest Ebola outbreak in history that has so far killed almost 1000 people in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in West Africa has caused fear around the world.

The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的)both in infection numbers and in geographic scope. Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this month the outbreak “is moving faster than our efforts to control it”, reported CNN. So far, the battle against the virus doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

The Ebola virus is terrifying no matter where it strikes: It’s a disease with no cure that causes headaches and fever, severe diarrhea(腹瀉), vomiting and bleeding and has been known to kill up to 90 percent of its victims.

It is understandable for people to be panicked, but those living outside Africa shouldn’t be particularly concerned about contracting the virus, says a Washington Post article.

This is because transmission of Ebola requires direct contact with an infected person’s blood, vomit or other bodily fluids during the period that he or she is contagious(接觸傳染的). It is something that is extremely unlikely for anyone but healthcare workers. The virus is not spread by coughing or sneezing.

Media outlets in the US and the UK are using terrifying headlines, wrongly claiming that people infected with the virus have traveled to their countries.

James Ball at The Guardian says the Ebola outbreak in Africa is tragic, but it is important to keep a sense of proportion. Other infectious diseases, including common influenza, are far, far deadlier.

32. What does the author say about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa?

A. It has caused thousands of African deaths.   

B. Its spreading speed is beyond people's imagination.

C. It has already traveled to the US and the UK.

D. The fight against it is slowing down .

33. The Ebola virus is terrifying because___________.

A. it cannot be cured at the moment

B. it is easily infected

C spreads faster than any other infectious disease

D. it has caused more deaths than other infectious diseases

34. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph means

A. keep a secret       B. stay calm          C. keep silent    D stay away from it

35. What is the author's attitude towards people's panic?

A. Objective.         B. Supportive.         C. Doubtful.     D. Understandable.





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