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She's also an associate professor at Columbia journalism school.

You should focus on the senior associate who will be on your account, not the partner.

Alzheimer's Disease: Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and the disease most people associate with memory loss.

David Yager, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, pioneered new photographic techniques to aid his studies of insects.

The role of royalty as arbiters of taste dates back to the origins of monarchy, says Elisabeth Cawthon, an associate professor of history at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Don't associate with dishonest boys.

It can associate attributes with each piece of indexed data.

Miss Liu was a teaching assistant, so marrying an associate professor should be quite enough.

So when one associate awoke one morning to find all of his airplane deal toys broken, he was devastated.

For those who associate offshore centres with balmy tropical islands, the recent rain-drenched summer may make London seem an odd contender for the role of tax haven.

"For a long time, men didn't need education to make a decent wage — they could go into manufacturing or other labor," said Jenny Wittner, associate director of the advocacy group Women Employed.

He is an associate editor of the newspaper.

TXSeries provides EXEC CICS APIs to create, delete, reference, access and manipulate a container and associate it with a channel

Defining properties is optional, though they do allow to declaratively control the different properties characteristics, including the ability to associate one with a converter.


We associate with all sorts of people.

He was also an associate guest conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra.

As this is repeated, night after night, this sets up a situation where we associate our bed with the anxiety of not being able to sleep.

You can associate datapools here, or you can associate them when you make the substitution.

Kao Sung-nien just hired him as a lecturer, but Chao Hsin-mei wangled an associate professorship for him."

Not only is it a color that we associate with newborn boys, it's also very calming, evokes the ocean and the sky, and pairs nicely with nearly any accent color.

Call it abusive treatment or possible cause for recourse to a court or an industrial tribunal, but bullying is a horrible practice I only associate with children.

A typical relation, for instance, would associate two classes with a matching identifier attribute.

Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom.

It is also the colour we often associate with calm and serenity.

So when a quasar goes dormant, what's left are the things we associate with a normal galaxy — stars and gas swirling around a central and hidden pit of matter.

If you are meeting a Filipino man for the first time, whether he is an in-law, business associate, or friend, you will be expected to bring a gift, such as a bottle of whisky or a pack of cigars.

Tags:associate 造句
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