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You have the beginnings of a double chin.

Great undertakings have small beginnings, and difficult tasks are tackled from where it's easy.

The boom in reactor construction coincidedwith the beginnings of America's environmental movement and a sense of growingunease about nuclear power.

Focus especially on the beginnings and ends of chapters and major sections.? Pay special attention to the passages you marked on the first round.

People are not afraid of being humble, they are afraid of losing hope, looking forward to tomorrow, expecting sunshine, people will rise from humble beginnings, and embrace the dream of heaven to embrace the blue sky.

The point is that knowledge in general and science in particular does not consist of abstract but of man-made ideas, all the way from its beginnings to its modern and idiosyncratic models.

Hannah Arendt is preeminently the theorist of beginnings.

The Year of the Rooster symbolizes early starts and new beginnings.

Most astonishing of all, I saw chimpanzees fashion and use crude implements-the beginnings of tool use.

The romantic movement was not, in its beginnings, connected with philosophy, though it came before long to have connections with it.

King Sihanouk's wife Queen Monique has a new villa in town, and a century after Kep's beginnings as a haven for the colonial French, it is being rediscovered by travellers and Phnom Penh expats.

The general rose from humble beginnings.

Difficult things can only be tackled from easy ones. Great undertakings have small beginnings.

The light had been out five minutes when the phone rang and snatched me from the beginnings of sleep.

With this name change, the team were gradually losing touch with their religious beginnings, and the St. Marks title slowly faded, with the club often placing St. Marks in parentheses.

Obviously, there are no humble beginnings in Little Big Panda.

At first glance, Chinatown Wars could be mistaken for a return to the Grand Theft Auto series' humble 2d beginnings.

Since their humble beginnings 28 years ago, Guo and his wife have opened a second restaurant around the corner from "Please the Customer," calling it "Please the Gods."

Here are to new beginnings every day of your life!

She bit down on her bottom lip as she finished, Drizzt noted, and sniffled , though she tried hard to make it seem like the beginnings of a cold.


Some beginnings are inconspicuous; this one wasn't.

I have to look up a word often, sometimes once for each line, and it reminds me of my beginnings with Jin Yong.

All stories have beginnings and ends, there is the beginning, there is an end.

However, this was not the form in which cacao had its beginnings.

From its modest beginnings, the group has grown to over 50 members who meet twice a year.

Yet his beginnings were humble.

We see the beginnings of this in the Untouchables, a film produced by the United Nations, in which an upper-caste activist starts a school that changes the aspirations of Dalit youths.

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