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The orchestra also performs around 70 concerts a year.

Farming accounts for roughly 70% of human water consumption.

Latin America was the fastest growing broadband region worldwide, achieving 70 percent subscriber growth, the survey found. But it had just 70 million people online.

About 70% of the people that buy online shop at least three sites.

The 20% tax rates of liquor will not be changed but tax bases will be increased to 50%-70% of a manufacturer's sales prices and to 60%-70% for large producers.

Such a depth means Jiaolong could reach over 70 percent of the seabed in the world, said the SOA.



She can type 70 words a minute.

Hurl Boulder: 10-70 yard range, instant.


The actual number is equivalent to an increase of 70% over the past year.

結論:癲癇發作可誘導HSP 70在大鼠腦內廣泛表達。HSP 70表達可作為神經元受損的一個早期指標。


The findings are significant, cancer experts say, because about 70% of chemotherapy patients experience nausea and vomiting -- often severe -- during treatment.

The total debt outstanding is $70 billion.

Conclusion: Since HSP 70 was found extensively in the rat brain after PTZ induced seizure, HSP 70 expression is a valuable early marker of neuronal injury.


Goods handling may account for only 50% of the direct labor cost in warehouse and 70% in distribution center.

makes only 60-70 cents.

The oldest person surveyed was 70 years old.



The Magic Trackpad costs about $70 retail.

In Minami-soma, most of which is located in a voluntary-evacuation zone, half the city's 70, 000 residents have left, including 70% of its children.

In the least developed countries about 70 percent of people make a living from the primary industries, mainly agriculture.

There were more than 70, 000 deaths during that time.

Take the original value of the real estate and multiply it by 70%, then multiply that by 1.2% or: The tax payable is equal to the original value of the real estate*70%*1.2%


She counted out $70 in $10 bills.


About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.


The Protective Effects of Heat Shock Protein 70 on Ionizing Radiation-induced Cell Injury of Lymphocyte

2012年12月13日,嫦娥二號成功飛抵距地球約700萬公里遠的深空,7000000用科學計數法表示為A.7×... 2017年端午小長假的第一天,永州市共接待旅客約275000人次,請將275000用科學記數法表示為 據2007年5月27日*電視台“朝聞天下”報道,*市目前汽車擁有量約為3100000輛.則3100000用... 據報道,2015年國內生產總值達到677000億元,677000用科學記數法表示應為(   ).(A)    ... 下列數中:76,73,79,80,74.9,75.1,90,60,是不等式x>50的解的有( )A.5個   ... 2015年寧波市前8個月新增貸款72000000000,用科學記數法表示為(  )A.7.2×108B.7.2... 人體紅細胞的直徑約為0.0000077m,用科學記數法表示為 數列7,77,777,7777,…的一個通項公式是 *故宮的佔地面積約為720000m2,將720000用科學記數法表示為(  ). A.72×104     ... 互聯網信息豐富了人類生活的新空間.據統計,目前我國約有670000000網民,將670000000用科學記數法... 在1:70000000的地圖上,一釐米表示實際距離是(    )A.7千米      B.700千米     ... .月球的直徑約為3476000米,將3476000用科學記數法表示應為 A. 0.3476×107  B. 3... 世界文化遺產長城總長約為6700000m,若將數據6700000用科學記數法表示為6.7×10n(n是正整數)... 一般人步行10分鐘所通過的路程最接近   A.7m   B.70m   C.700m   D.7000m 生物學家發現一種病毒的長度約為0.000072mm,用科學記數法表示0.000072的結果為(   )A.7....
在1:70000000的地圖上,一釐米表示實際距離是(    )A.7千米          B.700千米 ... 據國家統計局公佈,2015年我國國內生產總值約為676700億元(**),用科學記數法表示數據“676700... 據統計,從2005年到2015年*累積節能1570000000噸標準煤,1570000000這個數用科學計數... 《天下足球20170717》經典語錄 798750776經典語錄 *的陸地面積和領水面積共約9970000km2,9970000這個數用科學記數法可表示為(  )A.9.97... 2019年,偉大的中華*共和國將迎來七十華誕。70年櫛風沐雨,70年春華秋實,70年砥礪奮進,70年成就輝煌... 計算3.8×107-3.7×107,結果用科學記數法表示為A.0.1×107       B.0.1×106 ... 讀圖12“2001——2007年*蘇省人口增長”,回答17-18題。17.2001-2007年*蘇人口 A.遷... 以下是某些主族元素的半徑和化合價:元素NOFPXY原子半徑(nm)0.0750.0740.0710.110r(... 讀經緯網圖,完成下列問題。1.圖中①地所在的地理座標是A.70°N,170°EB.70°N,170°WC.70... 一個成年人的質量通常是A.500—700g   B.5—7kg   C.50—70kg    D.500—70... 將0.00007用科學記數法表示為(    )A.7×10﹣6   B.70×10﹣5  C.7×10﹣5  ... 三個數60.7,(0.7)6,log0.76的大小順序是(  )A.(0.7)6<log0.76<... 世界文化遺產長城總長約為6700000m,將6700000用科學記數法表示應為    .