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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.82W

We were not concentrating enough, so we lost the ball and lost the game.

The photo captures a key moment when he was striving to cross one hurdle, concentrating all his attention and strength.

These dissatisfactory phenomena have been embodied in a simple name: city disease, marked by a series of social problems triggered by large population's concentrating in large cities.

I became obsessed with learning how to pick up chicks, and I studied the psychology to the extreme — I would practise seven days a week and even got fired from two jobs for not concentrating.

The invention provides a double CCD (charge-coupled device imaging sensor) high precision location system for non-invasive body shaping and beauty by using concentrating ultrasound and using method.

Stephen is concentrating on writing a novel called blue.

Partly because everyone was looking at Asia, no one was concentrating on Mexico.

I guess I'm just concentrating on my hobbies, and the idea of dominating your life is rising.

While everyone is concentrating on the drama of two brothers standing against each other, there's a family battle that should matter more.

The letter suggests that Summers may have inadvertently caused the decline by failing to highlight the issue, by concentrating new hires in disciplines with fewer women, and by seeking out "rising young stars," who are more likely to be at an age when women pause in their careers to have children.

Let's break the monotony of this unpleasant task by concentrating on something interesting.

The objective is to stop thinking about your opponent by concentrating on things that won't trigger negative or distracting responses.

They believe the option of living on welfare handouts has produced 'feather-bedded' teenagers prone to rudeness and disrupting the classroom rather than concentrating on working and getting ahead.


They insured against defeat by concentrating a superior force.

It is part of GM's plan to reinvent itself by concentrating on fewer brands following Monday's bankruptcy filing.

Owing to the dense population and costly land, the Hong Kong urban traffic sys-tem is concentrating day by day. As the result, highrise residential buildings are enveloped by traffic noise.

A suitable reflector may be provided for concentrating and directing the radiation.

Now I'm concentrating on the movie, but already I've had meetings this morning, which will lead to other things, " he said."

Trying ten design fields simultaneously but badly is worst than concentrating on one field and master it;

Difficulty in concentrating or mind going blank.

While the first post in the series looked at the transience of memory, how memory degrades over time, absent-mindedness occurs when we're not really concentrating in the first place.

Then really listen, concentrating on the important information you want to remember.

consequently there was opposition to concentrating our forces and advocacy of dividing them up for defence, but in the end all this proved to be wrong.

Government will leave to the market and society what they can do well while concentrating on those matters within its purview.

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