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Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment.

A Tory victory may mean fewer removal vans on the road to Switzerland.

He cannot forever assume that his MPs, however angry, would never do anything to bring down a Tory government.

Yet a strong Eurosceptic presence on the backbenches might also make life much more difficult for a Tory government with a small majority.

But the government conceded that some sort of public appeals will be allowed as boundaries are redrawn, sparking Tory fears that the new seats might not be ready for a general election in 2015.

He is a Tory to the quick.

That pleased Tory Eurosceptics but waved goodbye to much influence.

They scoff at bellicose Tory talk of taking Labour seats once considered safe.

Mr Clegg pointedly offset the conference's Tory-bashing with a speech on September 21st that targeted Labour.

He has never voted Tory and Guto Bebb, the prospective Conservative MP for Aberconwy, a north Wales marginal seat, has just asked for his support.

That may well be the fate for some bold proposals for reforming welfare from the Centre for Social Justice, a right-leaning think-tank established by Iain Duncan Smith, a former Tory leader.

Yet Scandinavians still make some Tory teeth grind.

Simon Hoare, the Tory candidate for Cardiff South and Penarth, concedes that this is “the turkeys voting for Christmas issue”.

The change was due to be announced at the Tory party conference in Manchester this weekend but was brought forward after news leaked.


Angst among Tory parliamentarians has two causes.

This might have prompted a bold Labour manifesto and a cautious Tory one.

Though David Cameron's government is wary of revisiting old rows over Europe, ministers know that the "golden opportunity" thesis is mainstream Tory thinking.

The Tory candidate lost his deposit.

But she turned out to be a vitriolic Tory-hater (" I remember what the Tories did in the '80s... ").

Cameron had tried to inculcate and the studied spontaneity of his big speech on October 3rd, the delegates were lit up mostly by the old-fashioned Tory attractions of tax cuts and Europe-bashing.

According to a survey last July by ConservativeHome, a website, over 40% of prospective Tory candidates favour either a "fundamental" renegotiation of Britain's EU membership or outright withdrawal.

The Greens infuriate the Tory candidate, Charlotte Vere, a businesswoman and self-styled "social entrepreneur".

He dreamed of becoming a Tory member of the Tory party.

Mr Moore, a distinguished Tory journalist who began this great project 18 years ago, is a sympathetic and sensitive observer.

In the meantime, the Whig Government in England had fallen and, in 1841, the new Tory Foreign Secretary, Lord Aberdeen, issued revised instructions to Pottinger, dropping the demand for an island.

Mr Cameron’s tribe resent as well the prospect of a coalition with Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats, or conceding to them on policy in order to win their support for a minority Tory government.

Tags:Tory 造句
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