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“migrant workers”簡單造句,migrant workers造句子

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It's similar to the glamorous Olympic stadiums that were all constructed by migrant workers, who then left town before the Games began.

TRIBAL forces have established control across Eastern Libya since the police forces abandoned their posts a week ago, according to migrant workers fleeing the country via Egypt in their thousands.

Expanding population and influx of migrant workers are closely related to the problem.

Hawks in the opposition are already baying for the expulsion of thousands of illegal migrant workers from Armenia and for a ban on flights between Armenia and Turkey.

There is some evidence that European economies that have taken in many migrant workers have also benefited, not only in total output but also in terms of GDP per head.

migrant workers造句

And they are migrant workers. They work all day and can't care for their children.

One of the migrant workers even said that a friend of hers was a little envious of her, as she could live in the toilets rent-free.

Pork buyers included secular Jews, Christian Arabs and more recently, immigrant workers and the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the former Soviet Union who don't keep kosher.

These projects — ranging from several new stadiums to a new international airport terminal — are drawing vast Numbers of migrant workers from all over India to provide the extra labor needed.

The census for the first time counted migrant workers where they were living, rather than where they were registered.

The problematization of“ runaway migrants” mirrors the stringent control and discipline imposed upon migrant workers in Taiwan.

Widows, orphans, disabled people, migrant workers, and other vulnerable groups have been especially affected, as they have limited resources to cope with the problems created by the tsunami.

Immigrant workers were classed as aliens.

Besides, a government that threatens to shut its refugee camps or uproot millions of migrant workers from their homes might be able to extort some money out of Western donors.

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