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Either Ukraine is going down, towards disintegration, or it will start recovering.

However it is time we all realised that multiculturalism does not lead to disintegration - we need to celebrate our differences, not ridicule them.

Just as for the Christian human action is free yet part of a preordained plan, so for Marx the disintegration of capitalism will unavoidably lead men and women to sweep it away of their own free will.


The whole social fabric was threatened with disintegration.

If Mr Kibaki were to call them in, the danger of national disintegration might increase.

For some less reputable US papers, most notably the National Enquirer, this has been another sign of a disintegration of the power couple's 22-year-old marriage.

The result has been a literal disintegration of the market, as traders, intimidated by the changing rules of the game, withheld supply, reportedly forcing some citizens to resort to barter.

The debate is about avoiding the EU’s decline into irrelevance, or even “gradual disintegration”.

The square windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration. Airliners have had windows with rounded corners ever since.

The problem with that bone is the fragmentation and disintegration.

The square Windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration.

During the disintegration energy is released from the nucleus.

You'd think that they would have cleaned up over the last year, since the disintegration of the financial system in recent months is almost exactly what they have been warning us about for decades.

Ms Walden remembers finding him in a hotel bath, fully clothed and drunk, covered in sodden grey newspaper mulch—a man destroyed by the disintegration of his own image.

Is it the first signal of relationship disintegration?

Either Ukraine is going down, towards disintegration, or it will start recovering. But the current unstable situation cannot last.

About 15 years ago, people might have found it ridiculous if someone told them about the disintegration of the U.S.S.R..

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