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The atmosphere of the simple home suggested by black iron trivets and World 's Fair souvenir plates on the walls flanking the window.

They stepped out of the alleyway together. Fifty yards along the crowded pavement there were spiked black railings flanking two flights of steps, one labeled gentlemen, the other ladies.

Ewanick calls it a "flanking" strategy that differentiates luxury buyers.

Most people will be looking at the smoke trying to spot an enemy while you're flanking them.

The first party consisted of Pfuhl and his followers; military theorists, who believe in a science of war, having its invariable laws—laws of oblique movements, out-flanking, etc.


The house has double parlors flanking the foyer and this is one of them.

Simply flanking the piezoelectric layer with thin concentric layers of metal would not work because metals tend to have a low viscosity.

Another auspicious animal is the lion, often seen in pairs flanking a palace gate or a garden gate. Made of bronze or stone, the male lion squats on the left, with one of its front legs stepping on a ball, and the female on the right stroking a cub.

The office was designed as two three storey wings flanking a dramatic, 17m high central atrium, known affectionately as 'the middle', which is the hub of the building.

The open space also works toward your advantage when making flanking and sneak attacks as well, especially with the Mastermind.

The two spots flanking the core are produced by jets colliding with interstellar gas.

The earliest group, celadon-glazed in the mid-third century, consists of four attendants about 15cm high, flanking a seated musician.

"After what seemed a long time they came to a street with two huge stone lions crouching on the north side, flanking a great triple gate with beast-head knockers, in front of which ten or more men in smart livery were sitting."

Two electrodes flanking the system of channels then create a voltage that pulls positively charged ions such as sodium in one direction and negatively charged ions such as chloride in the other.

Tags:造句 flanking
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