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“viral infection”簡單造句,viral infection造句子

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In addition to household contaminants, asthma can be precipitated by exercise, cold air, emotional stress, viral infections, everyday chemical agents such as aspirin, and industrial air pollutants, including ozone and mirogen dioxide.

Even after a viral infection has resolved, the irritation it causes can continue to cause symptoms for weeks.

Antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses, yet patients who press their doctors to prescribe them for viral infections such as colds or influenza are seldom harmed by their self-indulgence.

Swine influenza (swine flu) is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract in pigs caused by type A influenza virus.

However, standard swab tests have proved unreliable in severe cases, says Kumar, possibly because the viral infection is deep in the lungs rather than in the throat.

As part of their natural defenses against viral infection, human cells have proteins that latch onto dsRNA, setting off a cascade of reactions that prevents the virus from replicating itself.

viral infection造句

But if you push yourself with any viral infection, there is the possibility of developing something nastier such as pneumonia.

An infection. Appendicitis may also follow an infection, such as a gastrointestinal viral infection, or it may result from other types of inflammation.

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