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7、"Says Hilary Wainwright, editor of leftwing magazine Red pepper."

11、Hilary Swank proving that there ought to be far more ostrich tributes on the red carpet.

15、In high school, Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank was an excellent athlete.

19、Environment Secretary Hilary Benn - a vegetarian - will outline his vision for the future of food and farming at a conference in Oxford this week.

23、Hilary Steedman, an expert on training at the London School of Economics, argues that it would be better simply to leave all training to be done by employers themselves.


4、Hello. Hilary Lodge retirement home. Cathy speaking.

9、Hilary Swank plays Maggie in Million Dollar Baby.

14、One reason for holding the open house days is to get publicity for Hilary Lodge locally.

20、A friend of mine is a volunteer at Hilary Lodge, and I'd like to help out, too, if you need more people.

25、One novel that has featured heavily in summertime read recommendations is Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel's gripping account of Henry VIII's Tudor court told through his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell.

3、Hilary' s face became very grave.

10、Analysis of Hilary ton's and Barack Obama's Political Advertisements

17、The last threat is a hacker invasion, there is a very famous event: Hilary team mailbox was hacked and exposure.

24、The cast for the follow-up looks similarly stellar, with Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank and Kutcher in negotiations with the film-makers, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

5、What, Hilary? I'm really in a hurry!

13、"Because of her strong cheekbones, Hilary can carry off any style, " hairstylist Shay Ashual has said.

22、I join UK International Development Secretary Hilary Benn in a call to others to follow the UK's lead in providing the funding needed through to 2008.

6、Has anyone proposed Hilary as a candidate for the presidency?

18、Until his day, the only great Latin Father was St. Cyprian, and Hilary had no rival in his own generation.


2、Starring: Aaron Eckhart, Hilary swank.

21、Guest star Hilary Duff was back on the Gossip Girl set today — this time sporting a much more glamourous look with her sparkly gold and black dress.

12、The road that Hilary Lodge is in is called Bridge Road, isn't it?

8、Finally, the Hilary line had to make a detour.

16、Hilary reveals her disappointment at having @botched@ the health care reforms she spearheaded in her early years as first lady.

1、Hilary Clinton visits Ethiopia.

26、Hilary from Manchester, who visited the London Eye with her teenage daughter, says: 'the ride is so slow that you hardly feel that you are moving, definitely not one for the adrenaline thrill seekers.

Tags:Hilary 造句
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