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7、Safe alternatives: watermelon, tangerines, oranges and grapefruit.

11、I'd start looking for alternatives now, just in case.

15、pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives.

19、The danger for the British is that alternatives to full EU membership are themselves illusory.

23、Zidovudine (AZT) or Tenofovir (TDF) are recommended as less toxic and equally effective alternatives.

27、The gathering is also expected to address environmental challenges and the need to develop alternatives to fossil fuels.

31、TJ: And what may be a bit surprising is that the functionality of open source ESBs is quite similar to its commercial alternatives.

35、Tools can trim the guidance model down to the issues and alternatives that are relevant in a given design context, first during the tailoring step and then throughout the project.

39、By means of game theory, this paper presents a historical modeling and proves that human society lies in the state of prisoner's dilemma and confronts various troubles and alternatives.


2、There are ethical alternatives.

6、These people have some alternatives.

12、Many engines were content to offer alternatives, including jBPM.

17、This set of alternatives is simply "given;" the theory does not tell them how this set of alternatives is obtained.

22、OCR and QR codes are not by any means the only alternatives.

28、At every ramification from here on there is a evolutionary choice between alternatives that affect the whole life of organisms.

33、To lessen the likelihood of being on the receiving end of reactionary insults, make sure to come with alternatives in hand.

38、Clearly, the venture is poised to take advantage of the long-standing perception in the cataloging community that there are no alternatives to many of the services that OCLC offers.

3、Gather information about alternatives

9、Are there alternatives to epidemiological studies?

16、The two are open to persuasion, to consider alternatives, perhaps even radical alternatives, to the society that has nurtured them.

24、This article deals with a natural variation of the classical secretary problem called the group interview problem, in which each group contains several alternatives and each group of alternatives .

30、WWF had argued that REACH should oblige industry to find alternatives to hazardous chemicals, even when firms can show that they are being used safely.

37、It needs to make clear the scope of the problem, what the alternatives are, what the program will do as a default, and what information was lost, if any.

4、There are three alternatives.

13、Every time you can't decide, you burden yourself with alternatives.

21、But if you're a nervous Apple investor, what are your alternatives?

32、This is the step where you face the fundamental limit: life is like a giant smorgasbord of more delicious alternatives than you can ever hope to taste.

41、A diagonal mark(/) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.

10、There were no practical alternatives present.

25、The TEMOD program was created to replace obsolete general-purpose test equipment with state-of-the-art alternatives.

36、Since the alternatives to the train are somewhat better in modern western nations than they were in the India of 1860, I doubt that spiffy high-speed rail links will have quite the same effect.

8、What alternatives are attainable by 2050?

26、Tools like Google Books and other ebook platforms will soon be serious alternatives to idiosyncratic, local search interfaces.

1、We have two alternatives.

20、Global ordering of interceptors and decorators, as well as global enablement of alternatives.

5、Barefoot running and barefoot alternatives.

34、Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions—decisions you make after you've considered various alternatives and chosen the path that suits you best.

29、They will complain, for example, that the wording forces them to choose between two equally unpalatable alternatives.

40、If you don't try to do what you like, if you don't pursue what you think is most meaningful, you will regret it. The road of life is very long, there is always time to implement alternatives, but do not go back to the beginning.

18、Calculate numerical priorities for each of the decision alternatives; these represent each alternatives' perceived relative ability to achieve the decision goal.

14、Propose and articulate intelligent alternatives to the status quo.

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