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1.(1)________ the night of May 4th, my good friend left for Canada.

(2)________ night you can see the stars twinkle in the sky.

(3)________ a cold morning Marie was woken up by a loud noise.

(4)________ the morning she often has milk and some bread for breakfast.

(5)________ the 1970s we had a hard time.

2.(1)Kate is writing  ________ a friend of hers.

(2)Kate is writing  ________ a piece of paper.

(3)Kate is writing  ________ blue ink.

(4)Kate is writing  ________ a piece of chalk on the blackboard.

(5)Kate is writing a letter  ________ an old man who can't write.

3.(1)We all passed the exam  ________ the end.

(2)We had finished learning five books  ________ the end of last term.

(3)We will hold a party ________ the end of this term.

4.(1)The apples  ________ the tree are ripe.

(2)The birds  ________ the tree are singing merrily.

(3)There is a map of China  ________ the back wall.

(4)There is a small hole ________ the wall.

5.(1)China lies  ________ the west of Japan.

(2)Canada lies  ________ the north of the USA.

(3)Canada lies  ________ the north of North America.

6.(1)He can do everything  ________ cooking.

(2)He can speak two other languages  ________ English.

(3)He did nothing  ________ watched TV all day.

(4)The road was empty  ________ several cars at that time.

7.(1)The man tried to walk  ________ the big rock.

(2)The man walked  ________ the road and got on a bus.

(3)The man saw some beautiful birds when walking  ________ the woods.

8.(1)There is no secret  ________ you and me.

(2)You are the tallest ________ my friends.

(3)There is a break ________ classes.

9.(1)________ time passed, things seemed to get worse.

(2)________ time going by, he knows more and more.

10.(1)He will leave for Korea  ________ three days.

(2)He went to Beijing and returned ________ three days.

(3)He will be back ________ 3 p.m..

(4)He has lived in Paris  ________ three years ago.

(5)It kept raining heavily ________ Monday  ________ Wednesday.


; At; On; In; In ; on; in; with; for; by; at ; in; on; in ; on; in

6.except; besides; but; except for

7.over; across; through/in

8.between; among; between ; With; after; at; since; from, to



读图完成11、12题11.一月A地区平均气温大致是(    )A.﹣16      B.﹣4         ... 读右图回答17-19题。17.*图表示的月份正确的是  A.10月  B.7月C.4月  D.1月18.此时,... 下列叙述正确的是(   )A.标准状况下,1.12L16O2和1.12L18O2均含有0.1NA个氧原子   ... 2019年4月18日13时01分在我国*省花莲县海域(北纬24.02度.东经121.65度)发生6.7级地震... 已知实数满足,则的取值范围是A.   B.  C.[3,11]    D.[1,11]    阅读表格,回答13~14题。13.美国与*的人口密度之比约为 A.1:1          B.7:1   ... 武昌起义爆发后.帝国主义先是主张武力**.很快又宣布“严守中立”。袁世凯1911年11月复出组*,11月下... 2013年11月11日是沈阳二中16届学生期中考试的日子,据此回答1~3题。1.11月11日是十二星座中的天蝎... 读图完成11、12题11.一月A地区平均气温大致是(    )A.﹣16       B.﹣4        ... 图5为“南半球某区域示意图”。读图完成11~13题。11.目前人类影响水循环的主要环节是 A.② B.① C.... 当有人病危时,我们要拨打的急救电话号码是(    )A.121 B.123 C.120 D.125 .a克CO2和a克CO中所含的碳元素的质量比为(  )A.1:1B.2:1C.14:11  D.7:11 读某城市交通道路分布图(图6),回答11-13题11.图中最有可能成为商业区的是:A.①         B.... 读图1,回答11~12题。11.当*地一年中雪线最低的时候 (  )A.澳大利亚东南牧场牧民正忙于剪羊毛B.北... +1与-1两数的等比中项是(  )A.1  B.-1   C.±1  D.
6.一条由19个氨基*分子缩合成的肽链中,含-NH2和-COOH的最少数目分别是A.18和18B.1和1C.1... 读下图,回答11~13题。11.①②两图所示区域共同的自然特征是(  )A.地势南高北低,北部为冲积平原B.河... 在3.1415926,,,,,0.121121112…,中,无理数有(  )A.4个 B.3个 C.2个 D.... 读图,回答11~14题11.珠*三角洲外资的主要来源是(  ) A.港澳地区      B.西欧       ...  等差数列中,,前11项和,则(    )A.10     B.12       C.14        D.... 读图6,回答11~12题。11.图中序号属于副热带高气压带的是A.①                  B.②... 已知等腰三角形的两边长分别是3和6,则它的周长等于(  ) A.12B.12或15C.15或18D.15 旅游业的特征是( )①劳动密集型②综合*强③关联*强④区域*显著A.①B.①②C.①②③D.①②③④ 下列各组数中,是勾股数的(  )A.12,15,18      B.11,60,61      C.15,16... 新文化运动兴起的时间和地点是A.1915年,上海    B.1915年,*C.1917年,上海D.1917年... 我国于2016年1月1日起全面实施一对夫妻可生育两个子女的政策,据此完成11﹣12题.11.近年来,我国人口年... 1L1.00mol·L-1的纯碱溶液逐滴加入到1L1.25mol·L-1的盐*中;再做相反*作:将1L1.25... 抛物线y=3(x﹣1)2+1的顶点坐标是(  )A.(1,1)B.(﹣1,1)    C.(﹣1,﹣1)D.(... 如图,在正方体ABCD­A1B1C1D1中,B1D∩平面A1BC1=H.有下列结论.①B1D⊥平面A1BC1;... 若两个连续整数的积是56,则它们的和为(  )A.11    B.15    C.﹣15D.±15
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