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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:1.23W

In my karate class of 20 students, the instructor yelled, "no pain, no gain," amid grueling instructions.

For years, I drove more than 20 miles to work, often in grueling conditions from my home in the suburbs to downtown Atlanta.

The easy explanation: a collapse was inevitable given three straight grueling trips to the NBA Finals and extra time away from the game should help revitalize both body and mind.

Now, it's time for high school juniors to begin the grueling race to get into college.

There was talk, however, that Jackson was taking painkillers to recover from the grueling pre-London sessions.

That is what Floyd Landis did during a grueling ride on a hot day in the Alps during the 2006 Tour DE France.


The presentation of future plans had been a grueling work.

I knew he would give Hillary the kind of support she needed for the grueling task ahead of us.

Her schedule — up at 5:30 a.m. and returning emails into the wee hours — is grueling, but she worries she may still be working below the point of diminishing returns.

To prepare themselves for their grueling ACTS, the monks use one of the oldest forms of pain control-meditation.

The Hawaii Ironman is even more grueling.

Six months later, after a grueling recovery process, my doctor finally gives me the nod to partake in regular physical activity again.

The participants continued on this grueling schedule for three weeks, at which time they were considered chronically sleep deprived.

Hundreds of grueling responsibilities over the house, the family, the siblings and even the simplest things like food choices, household chores, homeworks and projects of the younger siblings.

Professional women increasingly find themselves with these same types of grueling to-do lists.

After 5 grueling hours and 44 miles in the scorching Florida sun, we made it.

Tags:grueling 造句
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