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“Mr. Anderson”简单造句,Mr. Anderson造句子

栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:1.26W

7、Mr. Anderson (not the editor of Wired of the same name who wrote the book “The Long Tail”) is as introverted and nerdy as Mr. Wurman is boisterous.

11、Though many of the racers focused on antics like dressing their robots as dinosaurs, Mr. Anderson believes that unmanned aircraft are not just for fun-loving hobbyists.

Mr. Anderson造句

2、Several papers carry the photograph of Mr. Anderson.

6、"I'm a mediocre harmonica player and a worse guitarist, but I had my pick of incredible musicians," says Mr. Anderson.

12、Mr. Anderson, a former magazine publisher, took over the TED conference from its founder, Richard Saul Wurman, a graphic designer who presided over the stage like a vaudeville showman.

4、“No guts, no glory, ” said Mr. Anderson, who expected some drones to crash.

10、"We want a revolutionized relationship between the farmer and the state, one where the farmer is more in charge," Mr. Anderson said.

5、Mr. Anderson refused to let them in and now faces a criminal charge of obstruction.

1、Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?

13、Under F. A. A. guidelines, recreational fliers like Mr. Anderson and his customers must keep unmanned aircraft lower than 400 feet, away from other aircraft and within the operator's sight.

3、Mr. Anderson will take the call for her.

9、Many critics have been impressed that Mr. Anderson, whose other movies include "the Royal Tenenbaums" (2001) and "Rushmore" (1998) is thriving in a genre entirely new to him.

8、But, at the drone event, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Muñoz seemed most concerned with keeping their aircraft dry and airborne despite the snow flurries.

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