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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:2.79W

The gambit paid off, and Taylor was awarded her second Oscar for her performance as Martha.

Agile University lists courses from a broad range of trainers, covering the whole gambit of Agile approaches.

If you've been around long enough, you've likely run the gambit of terms describing the function that this one server performs.

It's the whole gambit.

Just a cheeky opening gambit in a tough negotiation?

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele disputed Obama's progress report, which he dismissed as a public relations gambit.

But it all depends on the work of specialized cells called lymphocytes that have made a risky evolutionary gambit to mutate their own DNA.

Call it his Delhi gambit.

On its own, the central bank's latest gambit is a tightening of the reigns.

But this being the language blog, I noticed something slightly more technical: Mr Mubarak avoided Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia's gambit of giving his speech in dialectal Arabic.

After that their next gambit is arms and tourism.

Hyundai followed up its Super Bowl gambit with an AD blitz in ABC's Academy Awards broadcast, its first national play with the Oscars.

What might be the impact of this gambit on the north's mostly successful peace settlement?


If so, its gambit failed.

If the "iconic"polar bear is classified as threatened, and the harm is formally attributed towarming caused by humans, then their gambit could lead to all sorts ofregulatory mischief.

This diplomatic gambit hasn't done anything to curb Damascus.

In a bizarre negotiating gambit, the Larssons offered to trade her their half of the apartment for the manuscript.

Now clearly I do not expect the assistant to speak English and this is merely my opening gambit.

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