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Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is t hat personal economic success requires conformity.

The collapsible cup was thus a telescopic beacon of hope in an icky world of strangers' germs, and a modest triumph of individuality to boot.

"They have a very strong sense of individuality," I said, "the aliens, these aliens I got into contact with. They are self-contained beings, they perceive the world differently from us, they have a different sense of time...

There is nothing to call out his individuality, his ingenuity, his powers of balancing, judging, deciding.

The first couple days you'll want to do everything you can to showcase your own individuality & originality... It's during this time you are & have what everybody wants...

Scriabin continually explored the new means of music expression, in which he both maintained the composing way of the late period of the Romanism but demonstrated his own individuality.

Our culture is one of hyper-individuality where everyone is a lone ranger.

To this end, Bacon was quite programmatic, suggesting a list of ways to remove the taint of individuality from the scientific literature.

Li represents unabashed individuality, and that's why she's a national icon.

It is the hallmark of angels that they have a sense of individuality as well as a high-degree of selflessness, which allows them to feel one with collective energies and be joyfully in their service.

You could also move beyond that and identify yourself with pure oneness or consciousness, devoid of any particular individuality.

Determined that his paintings should emanate from his sitters rather than himself, Mr Freud seeks to capture their individuality.

But the owners are also indulging a peculiarly Chinese sense of individuality, using cars to push the personal boundaries of a conformist society.


Both were directed at crushing the ultimate qualities of kindness and individuality.

But I like her unabashed individuality.

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