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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:3.05W

China's Biao bureau is majestic and swallowing waves.

Brother Chaujun still has swallowing difficulty. He can't speak clearly and has pain in his shoulders.

And of course, my movements are not standard till now, and some time, I cannot avoid swallowing water.

The quake lasted minutes at most, but it left half the town smothered by landslides, swallowing people, cars and entire buildings.

And it may lead to epiglottitis (a life-threatening inflammation of the flexible cartilage that covers the gap in the vocal cords during swallowing).

When people see his girl (or her boy) friend is having fun intimately with another boy (girl), a strong feeling will arise as swallowing down a big bowl of vinegar. That is "jealous"in a formal term.

Many years passed. Not a sound was heard to leave. Like an unknown space in the universe, there is such a huge whirlpool that absorbs the youth of all, the young faces and the full years, brushing and swallowing the unseen bottom of the valley, and engulfed by the monsters in it.

Always chew food well before swallowing it.

When people heard this, they jeered at him: "You are swallowing a date whole! ""

But it has survived and flourished by swallowing hypocrisies and reversing positions to win and keep power.

Speech and language therapists in conjunction with nurses and dietitians use techniques that aim to improve swallowing and reduce the risk of choking, aspiration and chest infections.

This can turn into a major humanitarian disaster during rainy spells, when the usual clay covering of the road turns into impassable mud blanket, swallowing trucks and tractors alike.

I think it's in Qing dynasty, mace with copper swallowing orifice is not technical level on the mace's body is far from that in Ming is the copper wrapped is not actural combatting ware,but like the thing for oblation or wushu.

After the incident of swallowing gold happened.

Children are more sensitive to toxics and the risk of them swallowing mouthwash is also higher.

He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.

"Why, when a man has friends, they are not only to offer him a glass of wine, but, moreover, to prevent his swallowing three or four pints of water unnecessarily!"


Will swallowing Wyeth cure Pfizer?

Republicans need to keep swallowing. Mr McCain is surely worth another look.

If the casualty is conscious and capable of swallowing, immediately give sugar lumps or other sweet food to raise the level of sugar in the blood.

In the dream, I saw her. I cried the whole man on the ground and couldn't move. She came over. I cried even more, tearing up the tears of the new lung. She did not look at me and walked over, innumerable fallen leaves, swallowing the world of the whole dream.

This logic probably kept you from swallowing your gum, but would swallowing it really be such a bad thing?

Because swallowing the performance of the egg also is in this night, those persons who choke call again this night for" choke the egg night".

See, I like swallowing and breathing.

Love is a person's heart, marriage is tied to a person's heart, love is swallowing a person's heart.

Some patients develop temporary difficulty swallowing immediately after the operation.

If the child has been waking up before the attack, often manifestations of oropharyngeal symptoms such as increased saliva, throat, swallowing the sound issue, or some abnormal mouth feel.

Your inner polar bear - the wild free place white pristine - sun dropped red behind my head head back jaw open swallowing pounds and pounds of fresh killed life raw clean cold.

He shakes his head, swallowing.

Comparing with the boat, the fish was massive and rugged , buckjumping and swallowing the struggling men in the water.

Many people with various mouth sores have trouble eating or swallowing.

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