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“my generation”简单造句,my generation造句子

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It was not a decision taken lightly, and the first time I sprayed the trees I felt like I had let down an entire generation: my generation, the Woodstock generation.

Because I am closely related to them, because they belong to my generation, whether I want to or not.

Everything else is I was young, there was an amazing publication called the Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation.

In my generation every girl in school knew the saying 'women hold up half the sky' and knew that a career would be a very important aspect of her life.

It has always been the special prerogative of young people to look and act weird and shock grown-ups. But my generation exhausted the Earth 's resources of the weird.

I think in my generation a lot of people are really practical minded.

“Awesome” has been with my generation in America so long that it now has a whiff of retro.

Brother Tianyun, the wizard's way is difficult and difficult, and my generation of monks should be cut through the thorns, how can we give up.

Not all of us are former good-time girls now drowning in regret-i know women of my generation who waited until marriage-but that's certainly the norm among my peers.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes. 我这一代人最大的发现是人类可以通过改变态度来改变生活。

It is foolish to presume that my generation is fearful and unambitious.

His grave has always moved me, and I have walked to it often: like many members of my generation, I cut my eyeteeth on his work.

There's no one person who defines a culture. But Dylan's had an incredibly important role—not just for my generation, I think—in changing the tone of the culture in all kinds of ways.

my generation造句

Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship.

As I look at you graduates, I see you are actually bigger, stronger and smarter than my generation was.

More exciting still is the chance to work with Matthew Rhys who is not only one of the most talented actors of my generation but also the most fun.

Suddenly I realised I spend too much time on my work, which is typical among my generation.

The world comes out of my generation, when I enter the rivers and lakes, I will be drunk in the chatting and laughing room of Emperor Tuba's business.

Despite being the eldest in my generation of brothers and Cousins, I was now officially the only one without babies.

We're so involved, the mothers of my generation.

Not everyone from my generation might agree with such sentiments, but then, the sense of national belonging is at the core, something special to each individual with different points of reference.

In my generation, it seemed that parents didn't celebrate their children's birthdays.

For the sake of my generation, these people are wandering away, crossing the ocean, and coming here to pursue a new life.

"I feel pretty guilty about it, but it's a question of reality," says Zhu, shrugging his shoulders. "a lot of my generation understands that it's just not possible."

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