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A conflict at work is common. If you can avoid conflict, it means you will win what you want regardless of what the other person wants. Since the potential issue has not been removed, it will simply reappear later. Here are the necessary steps to effectively get rid of conflicts at work.

★Be aware of the fact that some conflicts are unavoidable at work. On numerous occasions, conflict and disagreement are likely to happen. But when a conflict happens it's not the end of the world. On the contrary, it can be the beginning of an interesting learning process. Conflicts mean that people care enough to disagree strongly. The trick is not to allow the conflict to go on forever.

★ Deal with conflicts sooner rather than later. Solve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time going by. Conflicts at work arise not from something that was said, but from something that wasn't said! Everyone's waiting for the other to admit he's wrong and gets more unpleasant after the conflict has lasted a while. It's essential to interrupt the "waiting game" before it gets to that point.

★ Ask nicely. If somebody has done something that made you angry, or if you don't understand their viewpoint or actions, simply asking nicely about it can make a world of difference.  Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or hurt you. Sometimes there's a good reason why that person does what he or she does, and a potential conflict disappear right there. Do remember to make an inquiry, not an accusation of any sort.

★ Appreciate. Praise the other part in the conflict. Tell them why it's worth it to you to solve the conflict. This can be difficult as few people find it easy to praise and appreciate a person they disagree strongly with, but it's a great way to move forward.


How to ____51____ conflicts at work


Conflicts won't ____52____ if not dealt with

____53____ on

handling conflicts

● Don't be afraid of conflicts which can happen in many ___54___ and try to resolve a conflict soon or it will get _____55_____

●Interrupt the "waiting game" and try to admit your

____56____ actively.

● Don’t imagine people do something to make you ____57____ on purpose.

● Remember not to ____58____ others, but ask them nicely about what they do, which may make a difference.

● Try to appreciate the other part in the conflict although it is

____59____ to do so.


If you learn to do with conflicts, you'll work in joy.


51. handle/solve/remove/avoid   

52. disappear   

53. Tips/Suggestions/Advice    

54. cases/circumstances   

55. worse    56. mistake(s)/fault(s)   

57. annoyed/hurt/angry   

58. accuse/blame   

59. hard/difficult   

60. Conclusion



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