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Tom hunger intolerable clutching his stomach, as much as imagination.

Red of a fist clutching the shift, the red flush of his cheeks.

Just close your eyes and relax — and see if there's any clutching going on in your stomach or chest.

When Karl Heinz Vogeley climbs down from the train at 3:30 a.m. clutching his old wooden suitcase, his relatives are there to greet him.

In the second frame he sits alongside clutching an antler, possibly to position the head after 'sticking' the animal - slitting its throat - to drain the blood and preserve the quality of the meat.

Men Men in Guangzhou that the temperature in winter is always impatient and not simply the cold north, not as home, clutching a blanket to blanket had a quiet winter.

And clutching his gloves in anger, he left the apartment.

Mind this thing clutching his mouth it will run out of the eyes.

Surprised and upset, the Woman Runner's anger subsides when she looks at Denise lying on the ground, clutching her stomach.

Luna kneeling on one leg, his left hand tightly clutching his belly, the crevices there have been finger blood seeped out.

Afterwards, clutching the ragged flower that had been torn from her hair, she lay among the tall, sweet-smelling canes and sobbed until the brief tropical twilight turned to starry night.

He came slowly, on crutches, clutching a big scrapbook.

A grim ashath tree spreads its hungry clutching roots through the gaping fissures of the walls.

A panda-doll-clutching reporter gave on-the-spot updates from the tarmac at the Chengdu airport.

Ralph DE Bricassart fell forward out of the chair and wept, huddled on the crimson carpet in a scarlet 44 pool like new blood, his face hidden in his folded arms, his hands clutching at his hair.

Other, some clutching luggage, were helped into ambulances.

Dozens of distraught people clutching photographs and license plate Numbers waited for word of their missing loved ones.

Blood splatters across the wall and window as T-Bag rises and exits, leaving Abruzzi on the floor, clutching his neck with a pool of blood around him.

The women, I noticed, were all clutching machetes.

Besides the gents, a glass-panelled door reveals a private room heaving with people in tight groups clutching glasses of wine.


I'm clutching his ears to run backward.

Nuwas was reported to favor the drink, and indeed, the statue at the park's entrance features Baghdad's bard clutching a cup, the contents of which are unknown.

You're clutching a light spear with a sharp, pointed stone at the end of it.

Now that will probably create a clutching, resistance or unwanted energy in your stomach or chest.

Other feelings may be more fuzzy, such as a clutching in our stomach or a tightness around our chest.

She is clutching a glass prism.

As Griphook had already warned them, the liveried goblins who usually flanked the entrance had been replaced by two wizards, both of whom were clutching long thin golden rods.

Tags:clutching 造句
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