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The tsunami destroyed the earthen Banks of the fishponds and filled the ponds with debris and often-toxic silt.

The resulting silt raises the level of the Yangtze riverbed, not only reducing the life of the dam, but also worsening the risk of floods.

He looks over his shoulder at the silt-filled ponds behind him, and then shifts his gaze to a less-damaged area that may have been protected by a clump of mangrove trees near the beach.


Pollution, silt and landslides have plagued the reservoir area.

Opponents predict that the turbines will silt up and that the DAMS will produce only half the energy advertised.

It briefly introduces the source of silt at the outer waterway of Shantou Port and construction situation and regulation effect of Phase I regulation project.

The bird's foot delta of the Saskatchewan river in Manitoba is formed as silt carried by the river is deposited and builds up, eventually forcing the flow to find new paths.

Plaques of beta-amyloids are thought to "silt up" the brain and cause nerve death and loss of function.

Beihai sits in a tight-lipped bay on the Gulf of Tonkin, where the rich silt of estuaries is swept and trapped by turbid currents-a paradise for molluscs and those that hunt them.

The silt but don't dye, wash clean and not a demon, I Qinglian where exactly?

Blocking a river with a dam blocks the movement both of fish upstream to spawn and of silt downstream to fertilise fields.

There's no sign of ice, just a river roiling with silt-laden melt.

The units carry software that can fine-tune filtering in response to local changes in water temperature, salinity, pH and silt, and can be remotely controlled from a central operations center.

When, in the early ages of the Earth, land and water had not yet distinctly separated, huge misshapen amphibious creatures walked the trunk-less forests growing on the oozing silt.

The river deposited silt at its mouth.

But because of global warming, all across the plateau, glacial and snow run-off is evaporating, leaving dwindling rivers dangerously clogged with silt.

They would have washed vast quantities of rock into the lake at the time the animals died-but the fossils are surrounded only by finely layered silt.

Tags:造句 silt
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