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The only problem was the slight awkwardness in loading the film.

It has a great element of awkwardness and the family has a fantastic sense of humour for sending it in.

personally, it took me a while to realize part of my own problems with women could be traced back to my overall social awkwardness and dorky personality.

New cast member Bryce Dallas Howard tried to play a prank on the crew during one stunt, but she didn't count on Pattinson's awkwardness.

Autism is marked by a variety of difficulties in social interaction and behavior, from the awkwardness of Asperger syndrome to severely debilitating repetitive behaviors and an inability to speak.


the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness.

The best solution is to send a light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness.

The stilted atmosphere would strike outsiders as disconcertingly weird, but these women are oblivious to the awkwardness.

In the first part, the writer points out the 'awkwardness about country', introduces the perspective of the relationship between country and society, and stipulates some fundamental concepts.

She knew but little of their meeting in Derbyshire, and therefore felt for the awkwardness which must attend her sister, in seeing him almost for the first time after receiving his explanatory letter.

At the dining table, there was a silence of awkwardness.

We can only get farther and farther into the swamp of awkwardness.

Money is a good thing, let life, let people die, let people live happily, but also let people live in awkwardness.

At a Holiday Inn near the airport, the introductions are made, awkwardness gradually declines, and the two of them sit across from me, evening coming down outside, light snow falling.

He sat down, at first, with some constraint and awkwardness.

The awkwardness I was anticipating piles in, starting when we meet for coffee a couple of days later.

It's hard to be a man, it's hard to be a man, it's right and wrong, it's good or bad to identify, it's human to see through, it's right or wrong to understand, it's just the respectful goodbye that hides the awkwardness of life.

Another awkwardness could well be the Supreme Court. The chief justice, William Rehnquist, is gravely ill.

The awkwardness may be due to simple clumsiness in handling words and constructing sentences so that there is a halting, tangling movement in the writing instead of an easy, agreeable flo

In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness.

She laughed to cover up her feeling of awkwardness.

Embarrassment and awkwardness are low priorities.

Who doesn't tell the occasional white lie, to avoid social awkwardness or hurting someone's feelings?

I think this error message is caused by a well-known bit of awkwardness in the Python shelve module, which reads the sort of hash database files that are used for WordNet.

The old man carefully put the lottery ticket into the red plastic sleeve. Because of the awkwardness of his hands, this simple movement was also very difficult.

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