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There have been some hopeful signs to date.

THE Zimbabwe crisis has reached a new level that is both hideous and, paradoxically, hopeful.

Ten years ago The Economist dubbed Africa “the hopeless continent”. Since then its progress has been remarkably hopeful.

Now for the first time in what I've grown to think of as my "posthumous life" -my life after ray-i am feeling almost hopeful, happy.

Though there is hopeful talk of gold, uranium and cadmium (used in batteries), it is hard to see how an independent south would survive—even if it broke peacefully away.

But I am not hopeful.

Data on coverage of some health interventions are more hopeful.

There are encouraging signs in the March jobs report, but for each hopeful development, there is a caveat.

The question now is whether Central Asia might follow South Korea’s hopeful trajectory towards not just a prosperous market economy, but also a plural politics.

That hopeful thought, which found its way into the original script of Peter Jackson's recent re-make of “King Kong”, might be seized upon by today's beleaguered entertainment industry.

It was an honest and hopeful answer.

It makes Nick feel that this hopeful young man, who dreamed of being successful, is alive again.

I suppose one could look on William Osler and lament how inconsequential one's own life is; but I'd like to offer a more hopeful viewpoint.


You have to be hopeful.

And we rededicate ourselves to the work of building a better and more hopeful world.

But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst -though not all -of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.

She was hopeful to the very end.

But worse than his comrade's pain was the dumb anguish in the woman's face, the blended look of hopeful, hopeless query

But the hopeful maxim of Dickens's perennial debtor that "something will turn up" nourishes American housebuilders.

Be positive and hopeful.

Below I discuss what has worked for me and those closest to me - how a small group of us went from downbeat and drained to a happy and hopeful in a few short years.

The future doesn't seem very hopeful.

We are looking at ways to build up the myoglobin content to give it colour. I'm hopeful that we can have a hamburger in a year.

The most hopeful observers think it might be a sign that the country's ethnic obsessions are easing.

Tags:hopeful 造句
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