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7、And it is from these reactionary scoundrels that Chiang Kai-shek learned his counter-revolutionary dictatorship.

11、While Chiang Kai-shek caned the Communist Party alone, Sun Fo canes all the parties, all the people without party affiliation, every one of his fellow-countrymen; even Chiang Kai-shek, and perhaps even Sun Fo himself, will get a caning.

15、For example, when Chiang Kai-shek was seeking another term as president, he dared not tamper with the Constitution itself. All he did eas to wring what he needed from the provisional articles and clauses.

19、This tradition still applied to the army of Chiang Kai-shek because the abortive 1927 Revolution did not change Chinese society as a whole and hence did not change the army.

23、Although Chiang Kai-shek is shrewd in his calculations, we have our Chairman Mao, who is even wiser and saw through them as early as when he began to formulate the concept of the principle for the war of self-defence.

4、In 1938, when Dong Xianguang's official biography of Chiang Kai-shek was published, he praised Chiang Kai-shek as "the greatest military politician in the Asian continent" of our time.

9、Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generalissimo.

14、We are ready to resume the talks between the two parties at any time, if Mr. Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang are ready.

20、This proclamation was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army with a view to countering disruptive activities by the Chiang Kai-shek clique.


2、How did Chiang Kai-shek teach his lessons?

8、He planned to kill Chiang Kai-shek by bombing Sian, in order to take over Chiang's position.

16、But the Chinese people must teach Chiang Kai-shek and his group a lesson and tell them: Whatever you say or do, no tricks in violation of the people's wishes will be tolerated.

22、Just as the Manchu court had found strong men (11) in the landed gentry of Central China to crush the Taiping Rebellion, the foreign powers and their agents, the compradors, now found a strong man in Chiang Kai-shek to subjugate the Chinese.

6、The whole Kuomintang army collapsed. Chiang Kai-shek made a pitiful gesture. On January 21, 1949, Chiang Kai-shek formally resigned as President and was represented by Vice President Li Zongren.

17、In order to smash Chiang Kai-shek' s offensive thoroughly, we must wipe out another forty to fifty of his brigades in the next few months; This is the key that will decide everything.

3、Chiang Kai-shek believed that faith alone was not enough, and that money must be rewarded.

13、Lao Chiang Kai-shek has been preparing for a long time, which will surely refresh your ears! Here, I would like to thank one person in particular.

5、Study on Relations among He Jian, Ching Kai-shek, the Guangxi Warlord (1927-1937)

21、After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Cao Rulin was under house arrest under the military command and was to be convicted as a traitor. At that time, Cao Jia said the rescue of the professor. He didn't want to know that even Chiang Kai-shek knew that Cao Rulin escaped the rape at last.

18、The last veil was unveiled. On March 24, Moruo left Chiang Kai-shek with great indignation. He must expose to the public all kinds of insights he knew with his pen.

1、But it was not the personality of Chiang Kai-shek that shaped the nature of the despotism, but the nature of the dictatorship that shaped Chiang Kai-shek.

12、Chiang Kai-shek declares that the enemy is not to be feared because there are still vast territories in the Great Rear Area.

10、At that time we confronted Chiang Kai-shek with the slogan that everyone should be provided for.

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