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On the lunar New Year 's Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings.

The LRO produced stunning photographs of the lunar surface in 2009 from an altitude of 31 miles.

Sky watchers will be hoping for a cloudless sky this evening (BST)so they can get the best view of the longest total lunar eclipse since 2000.

Stepping out, Robin and his fellow astronauts marveled at the bleak beauty of the lunar landscape, all the while beholding the outline of the American landmass back on Earth.


Dock and Roll: an artist's rendering of NASA's Altair lunar lander approaching the Orion crew capsule after a lunar mission NASA.

The pale lunar touches which make beauties of hags lent divinity to this face, already beautiful.

For about a decade, lunar scientists have known the moon contained a lot of hydrogen, thanks to the lunar Prospector mission, but it wasn't entirely clear what form that hydrogen was stored in.

Today, the di laying of lanter is still a big event on the15 th day of the first lunar month throughout China.

This calendar is a lunar calendar.

This model shows how inflatable structures could be used for a lunar settlement.

Either way, the findings published online Wednesday by the journal Nature could send lunar scientists back to the drawing board to reconsider the moon's evolution.

To lighten the load, NASA's newest lunar probes will take an indirect route to the moon, via a type of celestial way station where the sun's gravity and Earth's gravity balances out.

A ride in the lunar module's upper stage was quite an experience.

Nasa scientists had anticipated that the impact would throw up a six-mile-high cloud of lunar dust and rock which could be scanned for evidence of frozen water.

The project is funded by the Canadian Space Agency, part of an effort to build a light lunar rover for future lunar exploration.

He told Emperor han Wudi that the Jade Emperor, the highest god in Heaven, had ordered the Fire god to burn down the capital city of Chang 'an on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

Then, wham, danger spikes as those hungry lions can now operate in darkness for the rest of the lunar cycle.

The astronauts gazed down upon the lunar craters, the first humans to see them from so close.

The Apollo lunar-landing successes, restoring national pride and asserting pre-eminence in space technology, reduced the immediate geopolitical pressures driving human space efforts.

This water is formed in the morning, substantially lost by lunar midday, and reformed as the lunar surface cools towards evening.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow falls on the moon. Lunar eclipses occur, on average, about every 6 months.

Tags:lunar 造句
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