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“until then”簡單造句,until then造句子

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But until then I would rather climb away, not wait for the last piece of ice to melt, but climb into the airless cold of outer space where I too can be a witness to what happens next.

until then造句

I believe I remember it this way because it wasn't until then, until this small intimate gesture, this gesture of familiarity and of safety, that I realised where I'd led us.

And he had a miserable life until then because he always had illnesses, some of which might be even psychosomatic. So he was the optimist and the one who lived well with the pessimist.

The goal was based on the trend observed up until then, but no one could have predicted the massive increase of HIV, particularly in southern Africa.

After dinner, Mr. Smith invited me to the living room so that we could continue our discussion which, until then, had been laced with innuendo but had not dealt with politics directly.

Dr Edwards realised that laparoscopy could be used to extract eggs from women's ovaries in reasonably large Numbers (until then, he had been relying on more intrusive surgical methods to obtain them).

What until then had been a hypothesis, became an article of faith.

Eventually, I suppose, we will sell the house, but until then, I am struggling, gradually eroding my half of the savings, trying to convince myself that it's temporary.

Up until then, it's a Dances With Wolves-like immersion in a culture, landscape and universe that is utterly, wonderfully foreign.

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