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“to guard”簡單造句,to guard造句子

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Every effort should be made to guard against them.

Have to guard against the risk of bad debts, to resist the loss of identity, is to guard against the risk of accounts receivable of the first barrier.

Liu Dadao was also somewhat excited and impatient. Fortunately, he knew that his duty was to guard the prince and guard him vigilantly in front of him.

You should wash your hands before eating, to guard against disease.

To worry about others is better to guard against yourself, laugh happily, and be calm and ordinary.

Every time I went to Raffles College on duty, he stayed at Nafford Road to guard the house.

This thesis holds that it is an important and difficult project to guard against moral hazard of civil servants.

You would like to study in the future to guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard to make our goals higher and farther more!

It is better to guard against it than to devote it to it. It's better to look far and get near. See the first chance and plan well.

When a suitable place is identified, the scouts begin to lead other scouts, which had remained behind to guard the old nest, to the new site.

Having now disposed his forces, he rang up the local police station and asked them to send up extra policemen to guard the factory.

There are no iron fences and fences in the windows and roofs of the western city. At most, there are short fences to guard against dogs.

It is better to guard speech than to guard wealth .

Troops were detailed to guard the frontiers.

We should take measures to guard against accidents.

Where will I find brave men to guard the four corners of my land?

You have to do my female to guard my rules, otherwise, I ambition let you... Living no equal to die!

With injuries to guard Michael Redd and center Andrew Bogut, Jennings has been instrumental to the strong start.

One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area.

In dealing with the world, there are some words to hide, some things to guard against, not too much to pay, learn to write their own way back.

In the case of China, therefore, our primary tasks are to maintain macroeconomic balance, to guard against various risks, and to conduct sterilization operations when necessary.

Our team has star goalkeepers to guard, the defense is solid. It's not easy for opponents to hit Huanglong and score goals.

The Hongkong?s return is a matter of principle to guard the territorial integrity of our motherland and the national dignity.

Attack dragons to guard your castle.

We also need to develop and fine-tune macro-prudential tools to guard against financial risks.

In scientific discussions it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness.

For our own safety, we are made to guard against each other. We are contributing to each other's fear.

A large number of security personnel are on duty 24 hours to guard and protect the line.

Of course, to guard against inflation it would be far better to anchor a currency to a tradable index of real things than to paper currencies.

In order to guard against confusion and misunderstanding, Banks should discourage any attempt to include excessive detail in the Credit or in any amendment thereto.

So my dad said the whole game long, ‘Your job is to guard someone and make sure they never get the ball on inbounds plays.’

Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers.

It is necessary to guard against hasty conclusions on the origin of anomalies.

Since then, the security of the Tang Palace has doubled, not only to guard against assassins, but also to guard against the princess who wants to steal out of the palace in three days and two ends.

There are Mushu, a master guard in the side, and there are people in the village head and tail to guard secretly. The tigers can not be their opponents.

He hired a carpenter to guard the house, and distributed small labourers to the ten villages under his jurisdiction. He renovated all three halls and two compartments.

to guard造句

a dog trained to guard property.

He gave a dark dragon skull to Kunyak to guard for the chosen one.

As we said, the best way to qualify for low insurance rates is to guard against accidents, thefts, and losses.

In order to guard this gate, Zhao Tuo built a city here to help the soldiers of Qingyuan rush north to help Yingde and south to Panyu.

We need to guard against a lack of imagination on not only what could go wrong, but also what could go right in this environment.

Now her fate would help to guard it also.

Not only will all the equipment be installed properly to guard against malfunction but it will also look nice.

Therefore, I made General Zhang Yan lead 100,000 horses to guard, but Gao Yunshen's chance to haunt the ghost is difficult to predict, we must take more precautions.

Be careful to guard against mistakes in your composition

Within five days, a division and regiment of the Japanese army arrived in Shanghai, and they had to guard carefully.

Official ladies, even gentle and educated, may not seem innocent or ignorant of everything. It is also a latent instinct to guard against and make use of others.

People live a lifetime, to guard against themselves, is to guard against others, the meaning of life, can not always be kind, must learn to avoid, must learn to refuse.

He urged them to guard against conceit.

If you are doomed not to guard him for life, the best way is to let him learn to live as soon as possible.

In the pursuit of a dream, we must be all cautious, guard against people's heart is indispensable, do not be embarrassed to guard against people, or sooner or later one day will suffer a great loss.

Don't always think about getting ahead. Learn to protect yourself. Learn to guard against others. Rejection is the beginning of life.

She believed that she was there to guard the offices and the strongroom.

She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret.

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