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“particularly true”簡單造句,particularly true造句子

欄目: 造句 / 釋出於: / 人氣:3.27W

This is particularly true if the data has changed dramatically since the last statistics collection.

This was particularly true for hyperactivity and "bad" behavior, report the researchers in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

That's particularly true on a show like South Park, where episodes are routinely written and produced only a few days before they air.

This is particularly true during the first 6 months and is another reason why your baby should be AT LEAST 6 months of age before you consider introducing solids.

This can be particularly true for disabled people helped to use assistive tech – but is true for anyone.

This is particularly true in the condominium market, where careful shoppers can pick up a real bargain.

This is particularly true of the Spanish. Their devotion to Cruyff-style offensive strategies has earned accolades from each opponent they vanquished, and of course from Mr. Cruyff.

This is particularly true for civil engineering or building structures.

That may be particularly true for those who are closest to the edge of darkness.

This intense consumption is particularly true of music, where the Japanese excel as the world's consummate music collectors.

particularly true造句

This is particularly true in an era of globalisation.

This is particularly true if you're one of several people on your team with similar or identical job descriptions.

This is particularly true in cases where processes are not adequately documented, so that knowledge about them resides with just one or a few people.

Regardless of your circumstances, you can make a difference. This is particularly true at your current workplace.

This is particularly true in those economies with highly fragmented product, resource, and financial markets.

This is particularly true of the corporate world.

That is particularly true of capital-rich creditor countries such as China.

This has been particularly true for those that sought funding through the prime-brokerage arms of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers before they were wiped out.

That is particularly true if UMNO decides to play on tensions between Malaysia's majority Malays and its ethnic-Chinese and Indian minorities.

Tags:true 造句
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