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7、Inside I saw the head nurse, who said Miss Barkley was on duty.

11、Besides Duke who was still in college then, there were also David Robinson, Pippen, Jordan, Stockton, Barkley, Mullen, Ewing, Johnson and Brad Bird.

15、Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, Fred Carter, Hubie Brown, Bill Walton, Eddie Johnson, and Mark Jackson are among the many who have said publicly that Kobe Bryant is the best in the league today.

4、With the retirement of Charles Barkley, the Dream Team Generation is nearing its end.

9、Studies on Structure of Bark and Chemical Component of Lacquer and the Bark in Toxicodendron Vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley;

14、I jumped, as if struck, Barkley slammed down on the brakes, and a dozen armed men sprang onto the truck as if they would tear us from our seats.

5、After his operation, Henry convalesced in Milan with Catherine Barkley as his attendant.

12、Lieutenant Frederic Henry and English nurse Catherine Barkley have to face the fact that death can make its presence known off the battlefield as well as on.

3、B: Can you hold the line, please? Mr. Barkley, you're wanted on the phone.

13、Contact staff:I'm very sorry, Ms. Ferguson. Mr. Barkley was called away to an emergency meeting. He should be back any moment.

8、Jordan's Bulls went on to beat teams including Hall of Famers Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and John Stockton.

6、A Feminist Redressing of the Characterization of Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms;

10、Now had the opportunity come up for Jordan to play with close off-court buddies Barkley and Patrick Ewing ?


2、Yao did and Barkley kissed a donkey's rear end.

1、Rinaldi introduced him to nurse Catherine Barkley.

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