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“pension fund”簡單造句,pension fund造句子

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Whether you realise it or not, your pension fund is sunk in Vietnamese bonds and loans to Indian steel magnates.

What pension fund or institution could possibly want to do business with a bank that behaves in the way Goldman is portrayed in the SEC's suit?

The government can manage pension funds directly.

The accumulated pension funds must go into the capital market for preserving and increasing the value. It is time for the pension funds to enter the capital market.

First she ramped up taxes on farmers, then last year she nationalised private pension funds.

And pension funds may not withdraw large sums when it is hard to make handsome returns elsewhere.

Conveniently, some Banks are even working on financial instruments to interest long-term investors (such as pension funds) in forest protection.

Calstrs, America's second-largest pension fund, said it would stop lending shares to "piranhas".

To get a result as good as a pension fund would give, you must act as rarely and patiently as the best pension managers do and shun funds that think short term.

It is optimal for the pension fund managers and fund holders if they adopt profit?shared arrangement, which defects resulting from private administration can be avoided, and huge profit can also be made.

And so it is with other pension funds.

The recession battered all states’ pension funds, but some were less equipped to take it than others.

But India lacks a local equivalent. Its occupational pension funds hold assets worth 2.5 trillion rupees, only about 5% of GDP.

pension fund造句

An individual pension fund or endowment might succeed in its search for higher returns.

We pay a sum equivalent to 5 per cent of the wages of our staff into a pension fund for them each month.

But is this what pension funds and endowments really want?

The fact that pension funds are hoping for high returns should make politicians pause.

Allow locally incorporated Banks to obtain custody licenses to manage insurance funds, trustee products, private equity funds, social security and pension funds.

While no big pension fund is imperiled, Hackel writes more corporate cash will be have to be deposited in pension funds.

The assumption that the entire pension fund can earn 8% is highly questionable. Given the current yields on cash and Treasury bonds, it requires a double-digit return from equities over the long term.

The higher taxation of foreign pension funds may result from the levying of withholding taxes on dividend and interest payments.

The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.

The Norwegian Government has pension fund assets in the amount of, as of 2006, just under two trillion Norwegian Kroner; but they also own North Sea Oil.

You managed Harvard's endowment during a turbulent time, and you advise several other endowments and state pension funds.

It could well be that equilibrium in the pension fund by 2018 turns out to be something of a mirage.

That would hurt pension funds, which bought them, and send congressional leaders into a spin.

As just one of many examples, CalPERS outperformed almost all other large public pension funds for fiscal 2014 (leaving aside its hedge fund troubles).

One reason why the British inflation-linked yield is so low is that so many pension funds own the bonds for accounting reasons.

Mr Shan's investors are mostly the same ones who backed him while he was at TPG - big pension funds and sovereign pools of money from Singapore and China.

The big prize, of course, is California, whose $247 billion pension fund is the nation's biggest.

The difference between pension funds and mutual funds goes way beyond what gets recorded as expenses.

The most important change involves investment in pension funds.

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