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For townspeople the show offers a chance to connect with Denver's pastoral origins.

In the pastoral areas of northern Kenya, southern Ethiopia and south Somalia the death of livestock on a massive scale has sharpened conflict.

Milton asks the Sicilian Muse — this is the Muse of pastoral poetry - asks the Muse to help him strew the flowers over the hearse, to strew with flowers the casket in which Lycidas' body lies.


Their New England, importantly, is not an ideal, pastoral place.

However, their feasibility in a highly mobile pastoral setting remains to be shown.

When we consider the particular circumstances that occasioned the poem Lycidas, we can see why Milton, I think, chose this pastoral form.

The speech of Saint Peter seems, I think, in a lot of ways to be a lot more like a fire and brimstone sermon than it is a passage in a pastoral poem.

Eastern European pastoral, mixed lettuce salad, peanut, small water Radish, Vinaigrette.

The aroma of classical English flowers waft up from the perfumes and soaps, creating that pastoral and homely atmosphere which England has made its own.

This is the vocation of poetry in this pastoral lexicon.

Ever since civilization began, certain individuals have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastoral, and more peaceful life.

The pastoral genre in fact even for Theocritus, its inventor, was always highly artificial.

The livestock ban has had a devastating impact on Somali pastoral livelihoods—which have been highly dependent on the market of Saudi Arabia for 95% of their total livestock export.

And although most traces of the cold war era have vanished, military roads and observation towers still dot the idyllic countryside, imbuing pastoral Western European landscapes with a touch of "Dr."

It's a poem deeply invested in the tradition of pastoral poetry, pastoral poetry from Theocritus and Virgil onward.

The most pastoral response, as well as the most truthful theological response, is to live in the contradiction.

So we looked last time at the oddity, the peculiarity, of Milton's choice of genre here, the pastoral genre.

Tags:造句 pastoral
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