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“physically and mentally”簡單造句,physically and mentally造句子

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The race became physically and mentally gruelling, strikingly beautiful and spectacular.

" The total enrollment of physically and mentally handicapped students is 105, 000. "

The peculiar rose aroma and dense foam may give you a relaxation physically and mentally while taking a bath.

They looked forward to wearing their eyes, tired both physically and mentally, grey hair and withered description, hoping that their son would return soon.

Under a draft legal amendment, elderly people could go to court to claim their right to be physically and mentally looked after by their children.

In addition, the hotel has bath, sauna, Steppenwolf, billiards, KTV bar, fitness center, beauty salons, and other sports and recreation facilities, can you do to relax physically and mentally.

Want not to get, get the non wish, see the easy that others get, turn oneself but harvest thin, often be physically and mentally exhausted, life to the end, a word: light.

Enjoy the exotic scenery, customs, understand the humanities and history of other countries, not only broaden our horizons, learn new knowledge, but also make life full of fun and relaxation. If we can accompany each other, sharing and communicating with each other, it will be more pleasant both physically and mentally!

physically and mentally造句

physically and mentally sound or healthy.

Many days, my technicians and I are physically and mentally exhausted by 2:00 PM.

All kinds of forced changes in their lives have seriously devastated them physically and mentally.

Make you feel refreshing physically and mentally after taking bath, provide Oriental charming style persistently with warm eucalyptus fragrance.

Let the people who are physically and mentally weak look up quietly. There is a relay race between youth and life in the tower.

People are more close to each other. After bathing in clean water, they feel more relaxed physically and mentally. Grandma, who sells rice cakes, invites us to eat rice cakes warmly and hospitably.

Now, everyone's not going to marry an "intelligent supermodel" (like I did), but finding a person who you're attracted to physically and mentally will "serve you well" throughout your marriage.

physically and mentally fatigued.

Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our concern and support.

Completely exhausted both physically and mentally, and suffering from frostbite, Weissner and Pasang reached Base Camp on July24.

Thirty-year-old life is a troubled life. Work worries and life pressure often make us feel tired physically and mentally.

Drilling into this soap bubble is tantamount to getting into one's own dream, enjoying one's ideal state, temporarily relaxing physically and mentally, and enjoying the short-term happiness of life.

Learn not to learn too tired can choose to give up, just afraid that when it happens to use, it will rush in that little already confused heart. It is so cyclical, tired to make people physically and mentally. Life, we have to learn while walking, this is the best!

Virtuous people cultivate themselves physically and mentally in good health.

Rookie consultants must take time to help their bodies, physically and mentally, recover from the rigors of their profession.

Think about it carefully, the last time I took the tram was several months ago, but now I feel tired both physically and mentally.

All the way persistent follow, so that I am physically and mentally exhausted, all the way for you to shed tears, but also make my heart full of frost.

New demand on P.E teachers to the P.E curriculum both physically and mentally;

Established in 2000 by Madam Shen Chiu Hsiang Shuang Fu provides various vocational training courses and services to people who are physically and mentally-challenged.

The cold makes people feel very uncomfortable. It also makes people feel uncomfortable physically and mentally. But under the foreign sky, I firmly believe that I can meet it.

After his vacation he is in fine condition both physically and mentally.

Walking in the countryside, feeling everything in nature, breathing fresh air, looking forward to the recovery of all things, feeling the infinite beauty of life physically and mentally.

Victims of domestic violence was hurt both physically and mentally.

Finally, I came here to the Loess plateau, which I regarded as the heart of China, and lay in the landscape of loess piled up. It was very pleasant both physically and mentally.

After three and a half years of Japanese rule, I became mature physically and mentally and began to look at her differently.

Originally a pure and innocent person, he was made unwilling to eat, tired physically and mentally, and restless.

Zhou Yu walked out of the house, feeling at a loss, but he was very relaxed physically and mentally. He seemed to be free from two heavy chains.

She was physically and mentally exhausted and stressed.

Do not ask for a cold moon in the world, I hope that the heart is warm, wait for a sincere, be a good person, do it with heart, do it well, understand yourself physically and mentally, do not ask for the future, understand the present life, learn to forgive.

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