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欄目: 造句 / 釋出於: / 人氣:2.79W

Today I found out that a female ferret (A. K. A. Jill) will die if she doesn't mate.

John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son's whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him.

A sheep's head, a prosthetic leg, Kermit the Frog anda live ferret are among a top ten list of the weird andwonderful 'gifts' people have given to UK charities.

(4) In this tense period of armed resistance, it is right and proper for the people to report any person who tries to sabotage, engage in disruption, stir up sedition or ferret out military secrets within the boundaries of the Border Region.

You can ferret out secret information if you just listen to what others have to say.

Vast villages of prairie dogs provided tasty meals for hawks, eagles, and the now-endangered black-footed ferret.

Your ferret's eyes should be bright, alert and glossy, with no discharge. If anything looks abnormal, see your vet. Your ferret could have allergies or a cold.

Toexercisethe ferret:男*表達“發生*關係”的一種粗魯說法,把男*生殖器喻為,凶猛、好動的動物以及這種動物酷愛慢慢鑽入狹窄縫隙和隧道的天*。

The fat ferret fasted first but as fated to feast on a fete.

The continent's only native ferret is one of its most endangered mammals. In 1986, there were only 18 individuals left, but the species is clawing back.

I looked at urbanditionary to find not definitions of some slang use of the word ferret, but a bunch of entries by enthusiastic pet owners extolling the virtues of their animals.

One cat scratched Jose's little dog. Even the ferret was making noise!

The experiments on such missions are designed to ferret out the handful of chemical elements and reactions that have been known to characterize life on Earth.


All ferret owners and caretakers should take the time to really get to know their ferret (s), from head to tail.

YOU might think that Clay Johnson, a campaigner for transparency, would be pleased to see a ferret, with a deerstalker hat and magnifying glass, pop up on his screen.

Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal.

Their body structure is slightly different than the American ferret, especially the shape of their face and eyes.

Just like it's a good idea to have a human first-aid kit handy at all times, the same rule applies to your ferret.

I'll ferret out Fox and her gang.

間或,珍也會和一些朋友溜到森林裡或草原上,去觀察黑猩猩、沙丘鶴(sandhill crane)或黑爪雪貂(black-footed ferret),目的是為了讓自己振作精神,恢復活力。

Tags:造句 ferret
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