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Jo leaned her chin on her knees in a disconsolate attitude and shook her fist at the reprehensible John.

Real lovers will feel disconsolate of miss only part from each other, have feeling of mutual love, know who are your lover, who are your important person in your heart.

Now some of us were left disconsolate.

Is this present life has been frustrated, rivers years empty disconsolate, and I will be waiting for you.

It is a dream of water. The world is so disconsolate that there is no old trip to the pond. Dan Qing, iron fan day white, red dust, Shaohua like bamboo shoots, night like me.


From the area of southeast meter disconsolate, youhen full word.

The attitude of life determines the quality of life, the process of life is a mess of the pain, or a fresh stream, is to use the optimism of life to encourage their disconsolate disconsolation in front of their troubles.

I do not know what the mood, deep bent down, squatting in front of the fallen leaves, picking up the exhausted leaves, a warm touch of touch on the cheek, a drop of tears on the leaf, I look at the drop of tears, I taste the long disconsolate of melancholy, the heart of the spread of an untold sadness.

Longs for, thought that your both eyes, the flash are also farther than the horizon, your love was the running water already frivolous, actually did not understand the shatter to be disconsolate.

We might as well lose it as it can make us less disconsolate.

He was disconsolate after his bicycle was stolen.

It was a weary, disconsolate Tom who returned home to spend a week serving the regular customers for Massa Murray.

Listen to the night wind blowing up the snow moon without long, a que cold drunk in the world. In the twinkling of an eye, in the case of Epiphyllum, the disappearance of the second order and the decline of the number are disconsolate and far away.

A person will meet a lot of people in their life, when they do not need to stay, to retain only the endless disconsolate edge scattered, no sentimentality, after the sadness is only the boundless loneliness.

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