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A badly damaged car and a tunnel in the background.

With my strong academic background, I am competent.

The soft background of the cloud-filled blue sky contrasts well with the barbed wire foreground.

Custom Backgrounds - Pick a flat, striped or checkered background (or even a custom image) to be drawn beneath the canvas.

Against this background, let me profile our new prospects for success that you will be exploring during this forum.

It assigns literature that describes the transformation of the continent. It also exposes socialist literature as propaganda, and traces the background of these authors.

People at high risk for glaucoma due to high intraocular pressures, family history, ethnic background, age or optic nere appearance may need more frequent isits to the eye doctor.


Humor must have its background of seriousness.

We have some reports to show you for background information.

We've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.

A dark purple flower against a dark background instills a feeling of mystery.

The secret in Thompson’s background—and source of many of the conspiracy theories—was of the spooky variety.

Under that cloak of authority, there's a person just like you, the product of her unique background, training, and experience, with hopes, fears, frustrations, aspirations, strengths, and weaknesses.

I only know that curled up under an old sleeping bag, the sound of some second-rate guy movie playing in the background, my brother in a chair next to me, I felt safe and comfortable and maybe that's part of what home is.

Her background disinclined her from resistance.

Mapping the cosmic microwave background is hard because the Milky Way itself shines quite brightly at these wavelengths, making the background hard to discern.

This character owes something to Mr Wilson's own background, and so too does the story's narrator, Raff's biology professor.

Don't complain that the background is not good, we can not choose their parents, not anger starting point is too low, it is just our standing origin.

Change the background or embellish the flames.

Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.

For this example we will set the background, Main Text, and SubText colours, set shadow.

Not too much is known about Li's background, except for a brief resume posted on the Ministry of Commerce's website, and she seems to have avoided much of the media spotlight.

The original tabletop background may restore.

She was always quiet in the background but she was the strength behind everything.

The authority should also consider the applicant's family background before granting him access to the funds. The applicant must be above a certain age, and has CPF savings that exceed a certain minimum level.

With the builder, you can define font color, put custom background picture, apply tile background and adjust the picture's alignment.

So the background of you, the person who clicked on this article title, is not as clear to me as it once might have been.

This charming photograph by Melissa Farlow has everything going for it, including the background.

My background is as a financier.

Now that we have a frame-by-frame extraction of our source video files, we can create tiled background images in sequence for each frame of the final product.

His background is a trifle dubious, to say the least.

"Although we live bathed in a sea of background radiation, people treat any increment as a dire risk," he said by email.

But it is often a task that is overlooked — seen as trivial, something that occurs only in the background.

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