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“at play”簡單造句,at play造句子

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7、Cavallo also saw more than just allocation issues at play.

11、Pause now and then to smell a rose or watch children at play.

15、Some combination of specific and nonspecific effects might be at play.

19、Play is costly in terms of energy, but evolution has made it such fun that mammals spend between 1 and 10 per cent of their time at play.

23、A similar mechanism may be at play involving other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, Anderson said.

27、TELELINK-At home, at work, at play! Be in total control anytime anywhere with our voice, interactive and sms betting channels! Service is free! See us at booth No3224-3225.

31、It then attempts to establish a match between the two and provide a critical evaluation of managerial approaches and decision making strategies at play.

3、This, again, is greed at play.

8、This is the emerging markets' new middle class at play.

13、Yet there is more than knowledge at play in the public speaking arena.

18、Chris Peterson, a happiness researcher at the University of Michigan, suspects there are other factors at play as well.

24、There are probably myriad factors at play and more complication than I'm sure I can imagine, but still.

29、A girl might spend her life at play, but she was a woman grown, a queen, a wife, a mother to thousands.

at play造句

2、Unlucky in love, lucky at play.

9、After all, this is male chauvinism at play in.

16、You look at players like Nani and Valencia, I think they're hungry enough to play at this club.

22、There are too many variables at play for there to be a universally ideal day to buy an airline ticket.

30、Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

5、the happy sounds of children at play

14、An Athenian saw Aesop in a crowd of boys at play with nuts.

25、As much as possible, surround yourself with others (both at work and at play) who share your vision so you can build camaraderie, solidarity and support.

1、children whooping at play;

12、Notice that in this scenario there are two contradicting psychological processes at play.

26、Where people are happy to walk, breathing the fresh and sweet air, children at play, at that time the scenery is so beautiful!

6、Regional politics are also at play.

21、I often play football with my brother because I am good at playing football for my age.

10、That he shouts with his sister at play!

32、Running along the beach here Saturday, Bill Clinton came upon a volley ball game, a group of bronzed young Californians at play. The president-elect briefly joined in.

28、Play mahjong game can be sent boring time, when the mood is bad at playing mahjong also can let be agitated mood, no wonder people like to play the game.

4、But other factors are also at play.

20、How to use colors appropriate to the works, and artistic creation at play to their emotional imagination, at the specific color in a limited transfer to play his own tune unlimited colors.

17、Get enough sleep is scientific fact: Bodies at play need eight hours of sleep to feel at rest.

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