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Every country in the world expresses the importance of treating others with a generous heart. Many people __51__ their charity work to simply writing a __52__, which is important too. However, time and effort are equally important and can make the __53__ in someone's outlook on life. Young people in particular seem to be interested in volunteer work more than ever before, offering their __54__ through school, church and family programs. There are volunteer jobs available for young people all over the globe.

Many community organizations and schools have volunteer jobs __55__ for young people to participate in either after school or on the weekends. These types of jobs can include delivering, answering phones and mailing letters, to name a few. These types of volunteer jobs are not only __56__, but look fantastic on a resume (簡歷) or college __57__, as they display selflessness and a __58__ to serve others.

For those hoping to __59__ further, there is a lot of charity work in countries all over the world. Various mission trips leave daily to these countries, through various programs and organizations that have a passion to feed the hungry and give homes to the homeless. Some villages __60__ don't have running water. Volunteers go to these villages to dig wells. Other places lack food to feed their children or homes to stay in. The price of building homes in these places is only a small part of what it is elsewhere, and it __61__ their lives forever. Though transportation and trip costs must be __62__ by the volunteers themselves, it is a cost worth paying.

Charity work __63__ young people a chance to truly live their life for all its worth. These young people make a mark not only in the lives around them, but upon __64__ as well. Participating in volunteer jobs can be __65__ to both those serving and those being served.

51.   A. consider                 B. apply                 C. refer                      D. limit

52.   A. report                     B. journal               C. check                    D. wish

53.   A. difference               B. choice               C. decision                 D. conclusion

54.   A. hopes                     B. money               C. services                 D. chances

55.   A. valuable                  B. available             C. accessible               D. necessary

56.   A. needed                   B. inquired             C. obtained                 D. abandoned

57.   A. introduction            B. examination        C. experience              D. application

58.   A. likeliness                 B. willingness         C. courage                  D. consideration

59.   A. travel                     B. influence            C. reach                     D. depart

60.   A. simply                    B. increasingly        C. regularly                 D. exactly

61.   A. improves                B. changes             C. emphasizes             D. deserves

62.   A. covered                  B. replaced             C. offered                   D. taken

63.   A. provides                B. reminds             C. enables                   D. promises

64.   A. society                   B. themselves         C. community             D. families

65.   A. fascinating              B. surprising          C. rewarding               D. awarding





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