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    Many animals are camouflaged (僞裝) by having the same colour as the places where they live. Since they blend well with their surroundings (四周環境), their enemiess cannot find them so easily. In addition, it is easier for them to hunt for food as they can come very close to their preys (獵物) without being noticed.

    The polar bear lives in the snowy far north and it has white fur. The colour of the lions is similar to that of the dried grass found in the sandy desert. The tapirs (貘) which live in the jungles (叢林) have a colour pattern which seems of little use the front of their bodies, their heads and their legs are black, while the rest is white. We can pick out the tapirs easily at the zoo but in their homeland it is not so. They hunt at night when there are patches of moonlight and patches of shadow and this makes them less noticeable (顯而易見).

Some other animals change their colours to suit the surroundings. For example, the arctic fox changes the colour of its coat in winter to blend in with the snow, so that it becomes less visible.

1. When animals are camouflaged, they _____.

A. can’t see well                                            B. can run faster

C. find it difficult to hunt for food                     D. are protected from their enemies

2. The lion lives in _____.

A. the snowy far north                                    B. a place with no sand

C. a place full of dried grass                              D. the same place as the polar bear

3. The tapirs are _____.

A. black and grey  B. black and white        C. brown and white      D. brown and green

4. The tapirs _____.

A. hunt in the day                                         B. live in the lake

C. are a type of fish                                       D. are easily noticed at the zoo

5. The arctic fox changes its coat in winter _____.

A. to deep itself warm                                  B. because it is too cold

C. so that it can be more visible                         D. to blend in with the colour of the snow


1D 2C 3B 4D 5D



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