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Education has long been the fuel that powered the mighty engine of our nation’s economy. As the number of Americans with college degrees rose rapidly right after World War Ⅱ,our middle class grew dramatically and the United States reached new heights of job creation, productivity and prosperity, becoming the envy of the world.

But today American students are falling far behind those in other nations. One discouraging sign came in early December, with the release of 2015 test scores for the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, an exam given every three years to compare the performance of 15-year-olds around the world in math, science and reading. American students dropped from 28th place in math in 2012 to 35th place in 2015, among the 60 nations where students took the PISA test in both years. In 2015, among 73 nations where the test was administered to 540,000 students, American students dropped to 40th place in math, and placed 25th in science and 24th in reading.

One major reason is that government at every level in the United States have reduced funding on education. Of 50 states, 35 provided less overall state funding per student in public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade in 2014 than they did in 2008. In 27 states, local funding per student fell at the same time. These cuts do great harm to students by forcing schools to increase class sizes, keep teacher pay low, reduce the number of electives(選修課) offered, cut back on purchases of education technology and fail to maintain the school buildings.

Allowing this alarming trend to continue by starving public schools, colleges and universities of the money they need to offer the world –class education will have long—term consequences as well. These include a weakened economy, higher unemployment, and, most importantly, a lower American standard of living and reduced national security. This won’t come next month or next year, but it awaits us in the years ahead if our leaders fail act soon to reverse the education funding cuts of recent years.

32. The writer implies in the first paragraph that        .

A. the U.S.A became the center of the world after WW Ⅱ

B. many Americans became wealthy because of the fuel

C. the U.S.A has reached new heights in terms of education

D. a person’s education level is closely related to his income

33. How does the writer support his view in the second paragraph?

A. By assuming results.         B. By asking questions.

C. By quoting the saying.       D. By listing the statistics.

34. How many states provided more overall state funding per student in public schools in 2014 than they did in 2008?

A. About 15.    B. About 20.     C. About 25.    D. About 35.

35. Which of the following is NOT the long-term consequence of funding cuts on education?

A. Bigger class sizes.         B. A weakened economy.

C. Higher unemployment.     D. Reduced national security.





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