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The winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences studies how people spend their money. He also has explored how spending can affect both living conditions and poverty

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is presenting the Economics Prize to Professor Angus Deaton of Princeton University in New Jersey. The Nobel Committee says his research has mainly dealt with three questions: How do consumers distribute their spending among different goods? How much of society’s wealth is spent and how much is saved? And, how do we best measure and study well-being and poverty?

Mr. Deaton used household surveys to collect detailed information abut how families spend their money. For example in one study, the Princeton professor examined the relationship between poverty and the amount of calories in the food people ate. The Princeton professor examined the relationship between poverty and the amount of calories in the food people ate. The Princeton professor was asked why be paid so much attention to household information.   Mr. Deaton said that his studies were mainly about people and their behavior. The Nobel Committee also praised Mr. Deaton’s work because it used detailed information about real people, not theoretical ideas. Subjects of his research have included.

At a press conference this week, the Nobel Prize winner said he was pleased that his work had been recognized. He told reporters he believed poverty would decrease. “I think we’ve had a remarkable decrease for the past 20 to 30 years. I do expect that to continue,” he said.

Mr. Deaton is a citizen of both the United States and Britain. He was born in Scotland. He has served as a Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton since 1983. The Economics Prize has been offered by Sweden’s central bank in memory of Alfred Nobel since 1969. If is valued this year at $978.000.

29. Which one is not the question Mr. Deaton has dealt with?

   A. How do people spend their money?    B. How much of society’s wealth is spent?

   C. What measures should be taken to decrease poverty?  D. How should we study well-being?

30. Which of the following statements about Mr. Deaton’s studies is true?

   A. His studies were mainly about people    B. He used many theoretical ideas in his studies

   C. He collected much household information   D. Aging is not the factor to condider

31. What is the best title for the text?

   A. Nobel Prize Winner Studies How People Spend Their Money

   B. Angus Deaton’s Work Was Finally Recognized

   C. The Whole World Is Making Efforts to Decrease Poverty

   D. How Did Mr. Deaton Collect Information in His Studies?





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