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I was sitting in my kitchen. My mom stood in front of me, hardly keeping the tears from spilling over. She told me that my three-year-old cousin had cancer. Hearing this, I went completely numb. How could this be happening? I had just seen her, and she was fine.

These things didn’t happen to our family, that’s what my uncle said. It seemed like the world turned upside down; just last week my grandmother had passed away. I felt like I couldn’t get my feet on solid ground.

That’s when my sister, Madi, came down the stairs with her long brown hair freshly washed. She sat next to me and smiled. Despite what was happening, everything would work out, her smile seemed to say.

“Mom, do you think I could get my hair cut tomorrow?” Madi asked.

“Sure,” Mom said, starting to wash the dishes.

“I want to donate it to Locks of Love” Madi smiled.

My mom stopped washing and turned to look at her. “Are you sure?” I noticed that Mom was holding back tears. This was a sacrifice(犧牲) for Madi. Her long hair was an important part of her.

“Yeah, it’s just hair. Eventually it will grow back.” She said.

“All right,” Mom said quietly, smiling again.

Madi gave up a part of herself for a while. She let a piece of herself go to someone else, someone she didn’t know. That day she became my hero too.

24. On hearing 3-year-old cousin had cancer, how did the author feel?

A. Puzzled    B. Shock   C. Afraid    D. Worried

25. What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A. The world is unfair to the writer’s family.    

B. Unlucky things didn’t happen to the writer’s family.

C. The writer had the disability with her legs. 

D. Unlucky things of the family made the writer very sad.

26. Where did the conversation happen?

A. In the living room          B. In the kitchen    

C. In the bedroom             D. On the street   

27. What can we know about Madi?

A. She was kind and willing to help others      

B. She liked smiling, but didn’t love cooking.

C. She made her mother regret her hair.        

D. She didn’t like wearing long hair again. 





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