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This animal is chunky and short-legged, with a body sometimes thirty inches long.

Based on the chunkysalsa rule from TVTropes: Any situation that wouldreduce a character’s head to theconsistency of chunky salsa dip is fatal, regardless of other rules.

His aim is to create a plant that is both high-yielding and has roots chunky enough to be harvested mechanically by the sort of device now used to pick carrots.

This is a pair of shoes with chunky heels.

At 185cm tall, or 6 feet 1 inch, and 78kg, or 173 lb., I don't consider myself particularly chunky.

And the firm, synonymous with chunky gold jewellery encrusted with gemstones, expects its performance in 2009 to be even worse than last year.


plump chunky bird of coastal California and Oregon.

If it's a succession of one chunky paragraph after another, your characters are talking too much in speeches.

Don't bother. There's usually at least one brand or other on sale, and you can easily dress up store brands with your own additives like chunky bits of chocolate or crushed cookie.

Geomancy is a chunky, retro geometric font that hearkens to French and American art deco.

The dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough.

scrap piece of wood or wood cube (craft stores usually sell wood for crafts and would have a small square or chunky piece that would work)

RICHARD BURTON probably knew nothing of the small South African town of Cullinan when he bought yet another chunky diamond for Elizabeth Taylor in 1969.

In the process of raising the ceiling, some of the chunky concrete beams have been exposed, creating an unfinished appearance that contrasts with the treated woodwork used in the renovation.

It's also chunky physique than the koala, which is very ridiculous.

With a merry trio of chunky goblets swaddled in sprigs of holly or other fresh greens.

Tags:造句 chunky
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