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7、She indignantly condemns the despot for his towering crimes, which evoke the great wrath of the soldiers and the people.

11、Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience, and marks unbelievers for murder.

15、While this trade condemns Orlando to another year of rebuilding, it solidifies the Raptors' place as a legitimate Eastern Conference contender and should help them recover from their recent tailspin.

3、He praises simple and unabandoned humanity, vehemently condemns those voluble, hypocritical and fraudulent villains.

8、If it convicts, then it is from God, but if it condemns then it is from Satan.

13、Pyongyang routinely condemns the exercises as preparation for an invasion and last week warned passenger planes against flying near its airspace.


2、My profession condemns me to celibacy.

9、Japan condemns North Korea for kidnapping several Japanese citizens, but hypocritically they do not recognize that the Zainichi have faced the same sort of mistreatment from their homeland.

16、This rather sweeping opinion seems out of tone with the rest of the book which, with wit and style, condemns the industry for crudely colonising an event that many still consider sacred.

6、This wall is a judge. It gazes at you and condemns you.

1、The public opinion condemns prostitution.

12、Probably as a gesture, he will condemn the tall skyscrapers and the beautiful motor highways, although I haven't yet found one that condemns a good camera.

10、A: China condemns the explosion, conveys sincere solicitude to the bereaved families and the wounded and expresses condolences to those victims.

14、If Batasuna breaks with the past and condemns any such killing, and goes on to denounce other attacks, it will show that ETA has lost control of its own people.

5、A: Shocked at the death of Mr. Rabbani, China condemns the attack.

4、A good man obtains favor from the Lord, but the Lord condemns a crafty man.

Tags:condemns 造句
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