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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.27W

He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head and gain repose.

Blizzard tried to negotiate with OGN and MBC, the two broadcasters of StarCraft in Korea, - negotiations went nowhere.

Five years later Forbes Media's earnings power has declined precipitously, and Elevation is nowhere near the return on investment it had predicted.

And if FIFA is so inclined to be part of the solution and (for once) not part of the problem, well, this one's a ball sitting on the grass in front of a gaping goalmouth, goalie nowhere to be seen.

The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road. He had not known that he lived in so wild a region.

Yesterday, we went to the department store and nowhere else.

Today's upheaval did not occur from nowhere. The seeds were planted earlier.

Many animals in Africa are found nowhere else in the world, such as African elephants and Nile crocodiles.

That is nowhere near enough to protect the flat tappets in an old Chevrolet Corvette, Ford Mustang or your correspondent's beloved Lotus (" Lots Of Trouble Usually Serious ") Esprit.

That means bond prices have nowhere to go but down, and the falling prices will cascade into more selling until the debt bubble deflates and all the spending is financed by quantitative easing.

Then I thought of myself as nowhere man, sitting in this nowhere land.

they were nowhere in the house, nor about the moonlit dawn.

Sixty or seventy thousand people - perhaps more - wrapped in woolen underwear and nowhere to go and nothing to do.

So as the climate changes species are struggling and in some cases going extinct because they can't adapt quickly enough - or they have nowhere to go that has the appropriate environmental conditions.

He's had nowhere to live since his eviction.

More than seven weeks later, the leader of Africa’s most populous country is still nowhere to be seen.

I also have to get back to the motel. The manager took my passport last night, and now he and the passport are nowhere to be found.

My testing showed nowhere near this level of success.

Scientists should not use science as a weapon against belief by making it into a belief system. That, too, is a road to nowhere.


And it really had nowhere to go.

We were in the middle of nowhere! There were no roads, no cars, no nothing, just a long dirt road and a bunch of trees.

The pace of development is often frantic, nowhere more so than in China.

They were allowed to go nowhere at noon. So they went to sleep.

The year 70 caused the Jews to stop being primarily a sacrificial people, because they had nowhere to sacrifice.

So the children had nowhere to play.

In the economy of a storm this big, there was nowhere to get rid of snow that didn’t encroach on someone else’s space, and some shovelfuls must have been tossed back and forth a few times.

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