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“big wheel”簡單造句,big wheel造句子

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The big wheel was built at the Soviet times.

You spin this big wheel and it rotates for a while and then it stops at one number, but obviously a random number, because this wheel of fortune had all the Numbers from zero to one hundred.

Because you're just a little cog in a big wheel of hundreds of people, when you get into the car and the lights turn green you push the accelerator.

This is a big wheel.

"We've been hit by a tsunami," says a big wheel from General Motors.

To love a person is to lay down one's heart, combine one's own small bet book with him, and make a bet on the big wheel of life.

big wheel造句

What a big wheel!

She bought a big wheel of red carnations, and some little gentle-petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves.

It has 10 big wheels.

Harry was the big wheel in his class.

It's a big wheel.

So let this be your space station; it's a big wheel, a radius of about 100 meters and we'll make it very fancy for you.

If the shelf can be steel rails, big wheel vehicles can be placed directly on the rail.

They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.

Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim.

a big wheel in business

Tags:造句 wheel
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