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However, they have not packed their suitcases yet.

The bleak frost packed and paved the square as with some ringing metal.

Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.

Trains are sardine-packed with thousands of snoozing students, reflecting education reforms that have greatly expanded the number of university places over the past decade.

A few years ago an explosion of a packed train a few hundred miles from Moscow would have caused shock and outrage right across Russia.

The part of the embryonic mesoderm, consisting of loosely packed, unspecialized cells set in a gelatinous ground substance, from which connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems develop.

Thousands of people packed into the stadium.

After breakfast next morning, pa and Ma packed the wagon.

First, these beetles are nearly an inch long and packed with powerful muscles.

The venue for the film's premiere was a tent erected over the hard-packed earth of the school playground.

It was during the rainy season in 1533, an auspicious time for a coronation, and thousands of people were packed into the main plaza of Cusco to celebrate the arrival of their new teenage king.

He packed off his servant.

And I packed my little suitcase and came home.

Secondly, it's packed with colourful veggies, zesty green and black olives and dressed with garlic and basil vinaigrette.

Although there can be breathing room when workers and children are outdoors, most living quarters are cramped, with extended families of 15 packed into 300 square feet.

The rations they had packed for the arduous dog-sled journey across Antarctica proved insufficient, so Amundsen and his men decided to shoot and eat some of their dogs.

How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil.

That leads us to wonder what else is packed into the bee that we haven't seen yet?

When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

"Confidence Men" is packed with many such sizzling claims and memorable scenes.

The chariot is one of five discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter when he entered King Tut's treasure-packed tomb in 1922.

She packed all her belongings into a suitcase.

Even though there was the dairy with 75 cows and 1400 acres to farm, as soon as my husband read the telegram, he sadly said, "Honey, get your bags packed while I make reservations for you."

It started out classically first of all, but it was still pretty packed for me in those days.

At every camp the kids go away with albums packed with photographs.

On tightly packed shelves in Iraqi shops it is usually surrounded by rows of imports: Iranian noodles, Turkish milk, German detergent, and so on.

The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren.


Wool is packed in bales.

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